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Base Fleet & Family Support Center (FFSC)

The Navy’s Family Readiness programs have been afforded the highest visibility, advocacy and priority. In practical terms, this has resulted in increased services to family members, increased individual assistance and consultation, more varied educational programs, more proactive outreach, and delivery of family support services in locations most conducive to family member engagement. Learn more About Us. Navy Fleet and Family Support Program (FFSP) is organized into four functional areas critical to mission success.

Work and Family Life (WFL)

WFL programs directly support mission readiness by preparing service members and their families for the physical, emotional, interpersonal and logistical demands of the military lifestyle.

Counseling, Advocacy, and Prevention (CAP)

CAP programs provide individual, group and family counseling, victim intervention and related prevention education and awareness programs.

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program (SAPR)

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) provides sexual assault awareness and prevention education, victim advocacy, response coordination, case management and incident data collection to active-duty personnel, adult family members and commands.

Navy Gold Star Program (NGSP)

The Navy Gold Star Program is the Navy’s official program for providing long-term survivor assistance to include: information and referral, education benefits, and recognition and support services to surviving families of service members who pass while on active duty.

*** Across all four functional areas, services include Sailor Information and Referral (I&R), individual clinical and non-clinical consultation, and educational classes, workshops, and computer tutorial programs. ***

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