Navy Afloat Maintenance Training Strategy (NAMTS) was established in 1998 by the CNO to improve battlegroup organic maintenance capability and material self-sufficiency. Commander, Navy Regional Maintenance Center (CNRMC) trains Sailors through the NAMTS program by utilizing I-Level hands-on maintenance production to “forge maintenance warriors,” who are competent and confident in their ability to own, maintain and operate their shipboard equipment.
CNRMC, the Regional Maintenance Centers (RMC), Naval Shipyards (NSY), Intermediate Maintenance Facilities (IMF), Trident Refit Facility (TRF) Bangor and designated afloat activities are collaborating on specific repair and maintenance “value streams” to form the Navy’s largest “SEA” school:
• Maintenance Competency Development
• Material Readiness Support
• Shop Production
While assigned to a RMC, IMF, NNSY, TRF or designated afloat command, NAMTS trains Sailors in 25 different Journeymen Level Repair and Maintenance Technician training programs through hands-on shop production work accomplishment. NAMTS graduates are awarded NAMTS Navy Enlisted Classifications (NEC) codes in order that they are assigned to NAMTS NEC coded billets.
In addition to NAMTS training available at the RMCs/IMFs, many afloat NAMTS programs have been established aboard ships across several different platforms. CNRMC is making NAMTS training a priority for our Sailors and our fleet.
The Arleigh Burke (DDG 51) class guided missile destroyers provide a wide range of warfighting capabilities in multi-threat air, surface and subsurface environments. These ships respond to Low Intensity Conflict/Coastal and Littoral Offshore Warfare (LIC/CALOW) scenarios as well as open-ocean conflict independently or as units of Carrier Strike Groups (CSG), Surface Action Groups (SAG), and Expeditionary Strike Groups (ESG). Named after famed World War II Officer and former Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Arleigh Burke, this class provides outstanding combat capability and survivability characteristics while considering procurement and life cycle support costs.
Arleigh Burke class destroyers are equipped with the Navy’s Aegis Weapon System, the world’s foremost integrated naval weapon system. When integrated with the Aegis Combat System, the Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) will permit groups of ships and aircraft to link their radars to provide a composite picture of the battle space, effectively increasing the theater space. The capability is designed to provide the Navy with a 21st century fighting edge.
Like most modern U.S. Navy surface combatants, the Arleigh Burke class utilizes gas turbine propulsion. Employing four General Electric LM 2500 gas turbine engines to produce 100,000 total shaft horsepower via a dual shaft design, these ships are capable of achieving 30-plus knot speeds in open seas.