Navy Technology Transfer is the business of transferring technology originally developed by the Navy to other Government organizations, Government laboratories, Government contractors, or commercial enterprises. Emphasis is usually placed on the transfer of Navy developed technology to commercial enterprises to strengthen the U.S. industrial base. Another aspect of Technology Transfer is the transfer and acceptance of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technology for Government use to reduce the cost of items purchased by the Federal Government. A final aspect of Technology Transfer is the development of dual-use technology that is planned and specifically developed for dual-use application by the Government and the commercial market. Our Business Agreements page highlights the various vehicles for technology transfer used by the Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Division.
Technology Transfer is a proactive approach to meet other Government and industrial representatives for the purpose of promoting their use of technology developed by the Navy and at the Navy laboratory. It is a combination of in-reach to get internal laboratory scientists and engineers committed to the process, and out-reach to encourage companies to use 'Navy-developed' technology. Technology Transfer, a primary strategic thrust for the Navy, is a product that consists of a number of other products and the pertinent processes necessary to produce those products.