Codes and Departments

TD - Technical Director

00T2 - Technical Partnerships Office

00X - Strategic Planning

01 - Comptroller Department

02 - Contracts

10 - Corporate Operations

101 - Human Resources Division

102 - Infrastructure Division

103Corporate Communications Division

104 - ACIO/Information Technology Division

105 - Security Division

106 - Corporate Business Office Division

1061 - Corporate Planning

15 - Sensors and Sonar Systems Department        

Underwater Sound Reference Division

25 - USW Combat Systems Department

34 - USW Electromagnetic Systems Department

45 - Undersea Warfare Platforms and Payload Integration Department

Virginia Payload Tube Facility                        

60 - Undersea Warfare Analysis Department

70Ranges, Engineering, and Analysis Department 

The Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center 

       Dodge Pond

       Seneca Lake

       Narragansett Bay Shallow Water Test Facility 

       Shipboard Electronics Systems Evaluation Facility

85 - Undersea Warfare Weapons, Vehicles, and Defensive Systems Department