Since 1969, SUPSALV's Diving Systems Safety Certification Division has been the lead System Certification Authority (SCA) for the U.S. Navy Diving Program. As directed by the CNO, the purpose of the System Certification Program is to provide an objective, third-party review of the design, fabrication, testing, and operating and maintenance procedures of all U.S. Navy owned or operated manned diving and hyperbaric systems. Division personnel review and inspect shipboard and portable diving systems on both a periodic basis and when system changes have been made, including overhauls. The division performs an important safety function by helping to ensure that high standards are maintained to protect Navy divers. Topside Tech Notes moved to SUPSALV secure website at: https://secure.supsalv.org
In-house Experts
The Certification Division consists of three Systems Engineers, three Certification Technicians, an Administrative Assistant, and the SCA. All of the Certification Technicians have served as USN Master Divers. All of the technical staff are currently or have previously been U.S. Navy qualified divers.
Safety First
The Diving Systems Safety Certification Division performs a multitude of functions in assessing the safety of system designs and hardware. During the system design phase these functions include the review of design calculations, hazard analyses, material compatibility, system drawings, and quality assurance processes. During system fabrication and testing, certification personnel review procedures and records to ensure that the system hardware is in compliance with the design requirements. After initial system certification, certification personnel conduct periodic surveys of previously certified systems to ensure that these systems are maintained in a safe operating condition.
Technical Publications
This division is also responsible for publishing certification-related technical manuals and instructions. Technical documentation developed by 00C4 supporting the U.S. Navy Diving Certification Program can be found on our Publications & Technical Documentation page. Examples of this documentation include:
- Certification Manual
- NAVSEA Certification Program Instruction
- Survey Checklists
- Re-Entry Control Documents
- System Status Report
- Certification Discrepancies
- Process Instructions