1.1 The NAVSEA ETM Class 2 Revision C Version 1.2 (September 30, 1997) DTD is the NAVSEA 04TD approved DTD for ETMs in general accordance with MIL-STD-38784.
1.2 The changes made to the NAVSEA ETM Class 2 Revision C Version 1.1 (January 10, 1997) DTD are detailed below.
2.1 The "rear" element's content model has been changed from
<!ELEMENT rear - - (appendix | glossary | index | rsection)*>
<!ELEMENT rear - - (appendix | glossary | index | rsection | foldout)*>
to accommodate groups of foldouts occurring in the rear matter of some TMs which the NAVSEA Class 2 DTD is required to accommodate.
2.2 The definition of the "emphasis" element's attribute "emph has been changed from
emph (b | i | u | q | s) "b"
emph (b | i | u | q | s | bo | bu | o) "b"
to provide the overlining ("o"), bold overlining ("bo"), and bold underlining ("bu") options.
2.3 Two changes have been made to the "xref" element's attributes. First the attribute
empty (yes) #CONREF
was added to make the NAVSEA Class 2 DTD compatible with application software which presupposes the "xref" element to have its CALS EMPTY declared content instead of the present "(%text;)" content model. Secondly, "note" was added to the present values of "figure", "table", and "text" for the "xidtype" attribute to accommodate various NAVSEA Class 2 DTD applications.
2.4 Three changes have been made to the "extref" element's attributes. First the attribute
empty (yes) #CONREF
was added to make the NAVSEA Class 2 DTD compatible with application software which presupposes the "extref" element to have its CALS EMPTY declared content instead of the present "(%text;)" content model. Secondly, "note" was added to the present values of "figure", "table", and "text" for the "xidtype" attribute to accommodate various NAVSEA Class 2 DTD applications. Thirdly, the declared value of the "xrefid" attribute of the "extref" element was changed from ID to CDATA to allow both repeated use of and greater generality for the attribute value.
2.5 The CALS "orient" attribute
orient (port | land) #IMPLIED
was added to the "figure", "table", and "chart" element attributes to specify page orientation for figures, tables, and charts.
2.6 Hyperlinking in "title" content was enabled by removing the "xlink" element from the "exclusions" parameter in the "title" ELEMENT declaration to allow "xlink" markup (hyperlinking) in "title" content.
2.7 Hyperlinking and "hotspots" in footnote text have been enabled by removing the "xlink" and "xref" elements from the "exclusions" parameter in the "ftnote" ELEMENT declaration to allow "xlink" and "xref" markup in "ftnote" content.
2.8 A tabbing capability of five spaces was implemented by defining the "tab" general entity
<!ENTITY tab " ">
since neither INSO's Dynatext nor Arbortext's editor/publisher support the SGML "TAB" function.
2.9 The declared value of the "lvl" attributes "chglvl", "delchlvl", and "inschlvl" from NUMBER to CDATA in the replacement text of the "lvl" parameter entity to provide greater generality in identifying changes.
2.10 Two changes have been made to the "change" element's attributes. First the attribute
was added to enable change identification. Secondly, the declared value of the "level" attribute was changed from NUMBER to CDATA to provide greater generality in identifying change levels.
2.11 A comment declaration warning of tagging errors arising from the mixed content of the "para" element was provided.
2.12 The "ISOamsb" character set
PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986 //ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Binary
was enabled by declaring and referencing it as a parameter entity to provide the "oplus" character (a circle containing a plus sign) entity required by some TMs.
2.13 The equal availability of foldouts and figure in rear matter was enabled by adding "foldout" to the "inclusions" parameters of the "rsection" and "appendix" ELEMENT declarations.
2.14 The CALS "graphic" attributes of "reprowid", "reprodep", and "scalefit"
scalefit %yesorno; #IMPLIED
were added to the present "graphic" element attributes to enable the scale-to-fit graphic capability.