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Signatures Department
The Ship Signatures Department's mission is to ensure a signatures advantage for Navy submarines, surface ships and small craft through research and development, test and evaluation, engineering applications and Fleet support. The Ship Signatures Department conducts research and development in the fields of underwater acoustics, electromagnetic signatures control and topside signatures control and supports the Fleet in establishing signature requirements. We oversee fundamental research and applied research in hydro-acoustics, structural acoustics, mechanical vibrations, airborne noise, target strength reduction, radar cross section, infrared reduction, electro-optical detection and advanced signal processing. As a result of this work, modifications are recommended for reducing the signatures of existing classes of ships, submarines and small craft, and guidance is provided on how to incorporate advanced signature control technologies into the design and construction of new vessels.

The Ship Signatures Department conducts full-scale acoustics, vibrations, magnetic, electromagnetic, radar cross section, infrared and electro-optical measurements on ships, submarines and small craft. To accomplish the tasks, new techniques and data acquisition systems are developed for measuring the characteristics of signatures, including radiated noise, structureborne and airborne noise, target strength, sonar self noise, radar cross section, infrared and electro-optical. From this work, operational and maintenance guidance are provided to the ships and type commanders.

Ship Signatures Department Vision Statement:

A high performing technical organization recognized as a world class innovator for the underwater acoustic, underwater electromagnetic and topside signature reduction technologies required for advanced ships and ship systems, and for providing technical solutions that keep our Fleet at sea capitalizing on the Navy's prior investments in stealth and attendant reduced susceptibility and improved warfighting capabilities. A people oriented learning environment focused on fostering the development of the scientists and engineers and accelerating the knowledge transfer required to perpetuate the Navy's stealth advantage to future classes of ships and submarines and extend it to address emergent signature threats. A culture of affordability dedicated to the development and maintenance of common measurement systems, facilities and associated processes necessary to field and maintain cost effective signature reduction technologies.