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SUBMEPP System Access Request



Access to SUBMEPP products requires the completion of SAAR form DD2875.


Directions for proper completion:

  • Download SAAR from the link provided near the bottom of this page. Right click and select “Save link as”. Save to your Desktop.
  • Open form. Be sure to “Enable All Features” and “Java Scripts” when prompted.
  • Check the appropriate box under “Type of Request”.
    • If you currently do not have access, check the box labelled INITIAL.
    • If you currently have access and need to add more, check the box labelled MODIFY.
  • Complete “Date”. (Use Dropdown).
  • SYSTEM NAME (Platform or Application): SUBMEPP Applications (Completed for you).
  • LOCATION (Physical Location of System): Kittery, ME (Completed for you).
  1. Complete boxes 1 through 10, 13 and 20.
  2. Box 13 should include the SUBMEPP products you are requesting (listed as Blue Headings below) with your “Need to Know”, i.e. how you will use the products to perform your daily tasks (“Needed to complete my daily tasks” or similar statement as Need to Know cannot be accepted).
  3. Box 14. Type of Access Requested: AUTHORIZED.
  4. Box 15. User Requires Access to: UNCLASSIFIED.
  5. Toggle the Dropdown at the top of the page (“UNCLASSIFIED”) to “CUI”. This enables a “Controlled by:” box to present itself at the bottom right of Page 1. Complete as follows:

Controlled by: Department of the navy
CUI Category: Name your Department
Distribution/Dissemination Control: FEDCON
POC: Your Name and Phone Number

  1. Complete boxes 11 and 12 (MUST BE SIGNED DIGITALLY)(Your digital signature locks boxes 1 through 12).
  2. Save document.
  3. Government Employees send to your GOVERNMENT SUPERVISOR and Contractors send to the Government COR (Contracting Officer’s Representative) via us.navy.mil account email. Sending from a Contractor’s email address will result in Digital Signatures being compromised.
  4. The Government Supervisor or COR must complete boxes 17 through 17e. Note that 17c MUST BE DIGITALLY SIGNED. Contractors, your CORs must provide contract information (including contract expiration date regardless of Expiration date) in Box 16a. (Access Expiration Date) His/Her digital signature locks boxes 13 through 17e.
  5. Government Supervisor or COR will then save document. Send back to Requestor.
  6. Send the form on to your Government SECURITY MANAGER.
  7. The Government Security Manager must complete ALL of PART III.
  8. Box 25 MUST BE DIGITALLY SIGNED by Government Security Manager.
  9. Security Manager will then save document and send back to Requestor.
  10. Review the document to ensure proper completion and then send it to SUBMEPP-SAARN@us.navy.mil. The Subject line should state "SUBMEPP SAAR".


eBusiness - FOUO Library

Requesting access to the FOUO library will grant read access to the following products:

  • Baseline Project Management Plan (BPMP)
  • Deep Submergence Systems / Hull Integrity Procedures (DSS/HIP)
  • Fly By Wire (FBW) Manual
  • Life Cycle Charts (LCC)
  • Maintenance Standards (MS)
  • Material Programs (AERP, CCRP, LLTM, MPT, TRIPER)
  • PMR: Inventories & Schedules (InvSch)
  • Preventive Maintenance Manual (PMM)
  • Test Procedures and TPDs (TP, TPD)
  • Uniform Industrial Process Instructions (UIPI)
  • Unrestricted Operations Maintenance Requirement Cards (URO MRC)

Surface Maintenance & Ship Work Planning (M&SWP)

When requesting access to the FOUO instance of M&SWP, please specify on your justification if you need read or update permissions. If nothing is specified you will receive read only.

Surface Maintenance & Ship Work Planning (M&SWP) Reports

M&SWP reports access is limited by location. When requesting M&SWP reports, please specify the names of the reports you need on your justification.

Retractable Bow Planes (RBP)

This will grant access to the Retractable Bow Planes Inspection Reports.


This page will display the status of scheduled URO and DSS HIP for submarines. It will not provide access to the URO cards. If you need access to the URO Technical Manuals, please request access to the FOUO library.

UT Inspection Status

This page displays the status for scheduled ultrasonic inspections on submarines.

eBusiness - NOFORN Library

Requesting access to the NOFORN library will grant read access to the following products:

  • Availability Work Packages (AWP)
  • Feedback for MIDs (UACs, TPRs, etc.)
  • Joint Fleet Maintenance Manual (JFMM)
  • Maintenance Standards (MS)
  • Overdue PMR Status
  • Ship Equipment Maintenance Plan (SEMP) / Executive Summary
  • SUBSAFE Core Documents
  • Test Procedures and TPDs (TP, TPD)
  • TRIPER Information Notebook
  • Uniform Industrial Process Instructions (UIPI)

Alteration Archives (ALT ARCH)

This will grant you access to the Submarine alterations database.


ATIS provides access to Submarine drawings for SUBMEPP and Team Sub employees.

Maintenance & Ship Work Planning (M&SWP)

When requesting access to the NOFORN instance of M&SWP, please specify on your justification if you need read or update permissions. List what process you are supporting (Availability Work Packages, Scheduling, Class Maintenance Planning, and Maintenance Instruction Documents). If nothing is specified you will receive read only.

Maintenance & Ship Work Planning (M&SWP) Reports

M&SWP reports access is limited by location. When requesting M&SWP reports, please specify the names of the reports you need on your justification. List what process you are supporting (Availability Work Packages, Scheduling, Class Maintenance Planning, and Maintenance Instruction Documents).

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Application

This will grant you access to SUBMEPP's RCM application. Please be specific in your justification and functionality that you need.

Submarine Maintenance Monitoring Information Systems (SMMIS)

SMMIS access is restricted mainly to the PMP community. Please provide your organizational code and be specific on your justification, otherwise access approval cannot be determined.


This will grant you access to the NMCI "T drive" providing the ability to view Submarine specific AWP changes. Be specific on your justification on what files you need to view and identify the SUBMEPP point of contact. Be sure to specify the file path you are requesting. Without the file path your request will be denied.

SAAR Link: SAAR.PDF "Right click link and select “Save link as…” from the context menu. Save to your desktop, open and complete there.” 


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