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NAVSEA takes you places. We offer career opportunities from the eastern shores of Virginia to the California coast, from the northern tip of Washington State to the southern reaches of Texas. 

Where we are map

NAVSEA has numerous field activities geographically dispersed throughout the country that are providing the engineering, scientific, technical and logistical expertise, products and support to the Fleet, Department of Defense, and other customers.

Aegis Technical Representative, Moorestown, NJ, provides on-site technical oversight of the Aegis Weapon Systems contractor; and contributes to all phases of combat system research, development, production, acceptance, delivery, modernization and in-service support. 
Commander, Navy Regional Maintenance Center (CNRMC), oversees the operations and management of the Navy's Regional Maintenance Centers (RMCs) in their execution of surface ship maintenance and modernization.  CNRMC leads the RMCs in developing and executing standardized maintenance and modernization processes, instituting common policies, and standardizing training in an effort to sustain a consistent business model across the RMCs and to provide cost-effective readiness to the Navy's surface ship fleets. 
Inactive Ships Management Office (INACTSHIPOFF), Portsmouth, Va., manages the inactivation, storage and preparation for disposal of U.S. Navy non-nuclear ships and manages the maintenance of mobilization ships via Inactive Ship On-site Maintenance Offices (INACTSHIPMAINTOs). INACTSHIPOFF works with Naval Inventory Control Point and Equipment Item Managers to remove selected equipment from inactive ships for reuse by active Fleet ships and equipment managers.  Inactive Ship Maintenance Offices are located at Bremerton, Wash., Philadelphia and Pearl Harbor.

Navy Experimental Diving Unit (NEDU), Panama City, Fla., tests and evaluates diving, hyperbaric and other life-support systems and procedures. It conducts research and development in biomedical and environmental physiology. The unit provides technical recommendations to support operational requirements of our armed forces.

Naval Ordnance Safety and Security Activity (NOSSA), Indian Head, Md., manages all aspects of the Navy and Marine Corps explosives safety program, providing explosives safety and technical oversight from concept to development to production and deployment, to demilitarization, explosives security policy, ordnance environmental matters, insensitive munitions and NAVSEA weapons and ordnance quality evaluation. 

Naval Shipyards perform logistic support and work in connection with ship construction, conversion, overhaul, repair, alternation, dry docking, outfitting, manufacturing research, re-development and test work.  Under the NAVSEA's “One Shipyard” concept, the naval shipyards level the workload and mobilize the work force across the yards to best ready the Fleet and stabilize a vital industrial base for our nation’s defense. 
NAVSEA’s four shipyards include Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth, Va.; Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility (IMF) in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine; and Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and IMF in Bremerton, Wash.

Submarine Maintenance Engineering and Planning and Procurement Office (SUBMEPP), Portsmouth, N.H., provides engineering, planning and material procurement expertise, that directly support the safe and reliable operation of the Navy's submarines and submersibles.

Supervisors of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair (SUPSHIPS), are co-located with major shipbuilders and are the Navy's on-site technical, contractual and business authority.  They partner with private industry to ensure the highest quality ships are delivered to the fleet. SUPSHIPS are located at: 

Surface Combat Systems Center Wallops Island, Va., tests and support deployed surface combat systems, advanced systems under development, and warfare systems integration, such as, systems planned for deployment aboard DDG 1000, CG(X), CV/CVN, LPD, and other Navy ship programs.   The center's requirements are derived from the OPNAV mission statement and from PEO IWS program objectives to provide a maritime test environment, operational team, and combat systems of high fidelity to conduct realistic test events and the upgrade of tactical computer programs.
Surface Maintenance Engineering Planning Program (SURFMEPP), located in Portsmouth, Va. provides centralized surface ship life cycle maintenance engineering, class maintenance and modernization planning and management of maintenance strategies aligned with and responsive to national, fleet, surface type commander and NAVSEA needs and priorities.
Warfare Centers - NAVSEA has two warfare centers: Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) and the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC).  The warfare centers supply the technical operations, people, technology, engineering services and products needed to equip and support the fleet and meet the warfighter's needs.  In addition, the warfare centers are the Navy's principal research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E), analysis and assessment activities for ship and submarine platform and machinery technology for surface combat systems, ordnance, mines, and strategic systems products and support.

Surface Warfare Centers

Undersea Warfare Centers