Supplier Performance and Logistics Systems
Flying Hours Program IT System Sustainment
The Flying Hour Projection System (FHPS) is a web-based tool and repository for housing Navy and Marine Corps aircraft, flight time, and cost data to help project budgets to support planned CNO required readiness levels.
NAVSEALOGCEN is responsible for the sustainment of the FHPS and all ongoing work to ensure that FHPS application supports changes in OPNAV FHP business processes, rules, policies, and model requirements.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
Planned Maintenance System Management Information System (PMSMIS) IT System Sustainment
The Planned Maintenance System Management Information System (PMSMIS) is a web-based application that tracks the status of all new and revised PMS documentation. PMSMIS maintains the listings of what documentation is applicable to ships and shore units that use PMS, distributes documentation to users and reference customers, and tracks Technical Feedback Report (TFBR) status from receipt of the problem until final resolution of the issue.
PMSMIS supports the development of new documentation through the Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) Process as well as the RCM Waiver Process. Used by commodity specialists at NAVSEALOGCEN, In-Service Engineers (ISEs) at Naval Warfare Centers, contractors developing maintenance and reference customers.
Data from PMSMIS supports NAVSEA in its management of the 3-M system as mandated in OPNAVINST 4790.4 and NAVSEAINST 4790.8 Provides a variety of reports and metrics used by the ships, shore stations, TYCOMS and many other customers to assist in performing PMS and managing the 3-M system. PMSMIS outputs include quarterly control files used for theproduction of the quarterly PMS Force Revisions, data extractions on labor associated with maintenance actions, quarterly summary on Technical Feedback Reports (TFRs), DON-EA compliance, and Federal Information Security Management (FISMA) Act of 2002 compliance and input to PBIS IT data calls.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
Ships 3-M Functional Support
Ships’ 3-M is the database of record for all maintenance-related execution data. This system provides efficient and uniform methods of conducting and recording preventive, alterative and corrective maintenance as well as allowing easy access to the collected data.
Data is entered into Ships’ 3-M by Naval Enterprises, which in turn provides the most current, accurate, single repository to support the needs of the Fleet's engineering, life-cycle logistics, and modernization needs. NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide instructor lead training, meeting support, process improvement recommendation, and data call response.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel respond to external and internal data calls, as well as review, assess and provide input regarding processes and product that will improve the PMS program. In addition, NAVSEALOGCEN provides technical support for Selective Level Reporting (SLR).
NAVSEALOGECN participates in the Fleet 3-M Requirements Management Board (RMB), the Ships' 3-M Configuration Control Board (CCB) and external program reviews with the customers. NAVSEALOGCEN provides Project Management support to include functional expertise relative to internal processes and procedures and external system/organization interfaces.
Ships 3-M IT System Sustainment
Ships’ 3-M is the database of record for all maintenance-related execution data. This system provides efficient and uniform methods of conducting and recording preventive, alterative and corrective maintenance as well as allowing easy access to the collected data. The Open Architecture Retrieval System (OARS) enables and supports Ships 3-M reporting, analysis, and user metrics.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
Planned Maintenance System Scheduler (SKED) IT System Sustainment
3-M Planned Maintenance System (PMS) System Scheduler (SKED) software provides the capability to schedule, display and manage planned maintenance events. The system supports reporting of completed maintenance and provides sailors the ability to submit technical feedbacks on maintenance tasks. The system has a direct impact on the ability to maintain ship systems and equipment, thus affecting ships' material condition and Fleet readiness. Users prepare PMS schedules using information from the PMS DVDs distributed during each Force Revision.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
Ship Maintenance Improvement Program (SMIP) IT System Sustainment
Previously the Integrated Class Maintenance Plan (ICMP). This is a web-based application that provides an integrated database of recurring engineered standardized maintenance tasks performed off-ship by industrial and technical assistance organizations. Additionally SMIP supports budget submissions, adherence to technically warranted requirements, captures authorized waivers from required completion dates, and presents a composite view of intermediate through depot-level maintenance requirements.
The application incorporates guidance from NAVSEAINST 4790.8 and functionality identified and directed per Surface Team One Executive Steering Committee and Navy Maintenance policy and directives. SMIP provides documentation of work requirements, input to PBIS IT data calls, and monthly reports.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
BPS IT System Sustainment
The Budget Planning System (BPS) calculates budget requirements and prepares POM/PR, capability Plan, and budget submittals. It also provides budget analysts a tool to rationalize data between Navy ERP and Program Budget Information System (PBIS).
BPS consists of three modules designed to automate the NAVSEA processes that produce the OPN Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List (COSAL) with Initial and NAVSUP WSS cost requirements; SCN Outfitting; SCN Post Delivery Budget requirements.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
ICAPS IT System Sustainment
The Interactive Computer Aided Provisioning System (ICAPS) is the Navy's tool for performing provisioning functions. It is the primary means of developing and maintaining Allowance Parts Lists (APLs) and Allowance Equipage Lists (AELs) for all equipment and systems in the Fleet (both Aviation and Maritime). The only approved method for establishment and maintenance of Material Masters (MM) and Bill of Material (BOMs) in Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Master Allowance Parts List (MAPL) is the repository of Reference Symbol Number (RSN) data. ICAPS generates Automated Fleet COSAL Feed Back Reports (A-FCFBR) for ISEA review and follow-on action.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
ORCAS IT System Sustainment
The Outfitting Requisition Control and Accounting System (ORCAS) assimilates current off-line programs and manual functions to increase the operational effectiveness through HI-Val and Interim Supply Support requisition reviews for data accuracy and to ensure legitimate charges to the NAVSEA Outfitting accounts. ORCAS also includes the General Use Consumables List (GUCL) Master List capability, which automates and reduces manual effort in the formation and maintenance of GUCL list for each ship. ORCAS is NAVSEA’s central repository for requisition processing prior to submission to Navy ERP Financial Restricted Work Queue (FRWQ).
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
PARTS IT System Sustainment
The PSD Automated Reported and Tracking System (PARTS) is the Navy repository for all Program Support Data (PSD). PARTS provides program managers the ability to identify spares and repair parts funding support requirements for new hardware procurements, modifications, engineering change proposals. PARTS also tracks the establishment of a system's Material Support Date (MSD) and provides necessary logistics and detailed installation data for the identification of spares and repair parts funding requirements and procurement responsibility. PARTS is the primary method for identifying three Navy spares and repair parts budgets: HSC Initial Spares, WSS Navy Working Capital Fund Buy-in, and NAVSEA OPN Outfitting Buy-out accounts.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
ROMIS IT System Sustainment
The Real Time Outfitting Management Information System – Material Management System (ROMIS – MMS) is the outfitting tool used by the Navy to manage material procured with SCN funding during new construction and Refueling Complex Overhauls (RCOH).
ROMIS–MMS manages the allowance, ordering, inventory control, and disposal of equipment and materials. Additionally, the system tracks material procurements, status of procurements and shipments, inventories and potential problems with materials provided by the DoD supply system and commercial vendors delivering to government activities and their Shipbuilding and Depot Maintenance Repair contractors.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
CDMD-OA IT System Sustainment
Configuration Data Management Database – Open Architecture is the Navy’s program of record for configuration management. "Open architecture" indicates that CDMD-OA is a client/server- based system, not dependent upon proprietary software; data may flow to and from CDMD-OA provided that open protocols are used.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
CDMD-OA LITE IT System Sustainment
Configuration Data Management Database – Open Architecture (CDMD-OA), the Navy’s program of record for configuration management, interfaces with CDMD-OA Lite to facilitate sight validation. The application is loaded onto laptop PCs and used to perform shipboard configuration validations. Upon completion of the validation CDMD-OA Lite work files update CDMD-OA.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
MBPS Cyber
The MBPS program seeks to rationalize, integrate, and field a modern cloud-based digital logistics IT infrastructure for the Navy. As part of the MBPS initiative, NAVSEALOGCEN provides cybersecurity operations that meet DoD and Navy requirements.
Cybersecurity operations support planning and policy, enterprise architecture, security, Information Assurance (IA), systems analysis, operating systems, data management, user access, and customer support.
IA support includes documentation, collaboration sessions, validation, and liaison with upper echelon organizations while working through the Risk Management Framework (RMF) process.
MBPS Subject Matter Expert (SME)
Provide required Subject Matter Expertise in the design of MBPS, as well as legacy cross platform functional and technical support. The NAVSEALOGCEN team directly supports the Program Office in the 266 legacy Logistical Supply system migration rationalizations under Digital Transformational efforts.
MBPS Project Management
The MBPS program seeks to rationalize, integrate, and field a modern cloud-based digital logistics IT infrastructure for the Navy. As part of the MBPS initiative, NAVSEALOGCEN provides project management.
MBPS Project Management support includes the capabilities and expertise to establish requirements, develop, maintain, operate, and host Navy logistics and maintenance information systems. Additionally NAVSEALOGCEN personnel recommend changes to the maintenance and logistics enterprise architecture and assist in determining the most efficient hosting of logistics applications to the future Navy business system architecture.
NAVSEALOGCEN Project Management support will work with Digital Logistical Transformation efforts under each Vector identified in the LOG IT EXCOMM, NMMES-TR, MBPS, NOBLE efforts to ensure all Legacy Logistical Systems are aligned and incorporated into the new portfolios.
MBPS Sustainment
The MBPS program seeks to rationalize, integrate, and field a modern cloud-based digital logistics IT infrastructure for the Navy. NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations.
MBPS Test and Evaluation (T&E)
The MBPS program seeks to rationalize, integrate, and field a modern cloud-based digital logistics IT infrastructure for the Navy. As part of the MBPS initiative, NAVSEALOGCEN provides the framework and documentation for Test and Evaluation (T&E).
MBPS T&E support includes the development, implementation and sustainment of the Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP), user-testing, test result reporting, the development of test plans mapped to Top Level Requirements (TLRs), and government oversight.
NRMO Test & Evaluation (T&E)
The NMRO program seeks to rationalize, integrate, and field a modern cloud-based digital logistics IT infrastructure for the Navy. As part of the NRMO initiative, NAVSEALOGCEN provides the framework and documentation for Test and Evaluation (T&E).
NRMO T&E support includes the development, implementation and sustainment of the Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP), user-testing, test result reporting, the development of test plans mapped to Top Level Requirements (TLRs), and government oversight.
Carrier Team 1 IT System Sustainment
Carrier Team One (CT1) Proven Practice Replication (PPR) and NOFORN Knowledge Sharing Workspaces are repositories for documenting and sharing practices that improve Carrier maintenance at a deck plate level. It allows shipyard users, supervisors, zone managers onboard Carriers, and all other registered users to find, share, and use these practices.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
eFORMS IT System Sustainment
eFORMS is web based workflow tool designed to replace offline analog processes and provide change history, traceability, clarity, accessibility, and electronic signatures to streamline complex business and technical processes. The NAVSEALOGCEN eForms team tailors system functionality to meet specific customer needs.
eFORMS is accessible online to cleared Government, Fleet, and contractor users and approved to store unclassified Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information (U-NNPI).
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
EIS IT System Sustainment
The Engineering Information System (EIS) provides electronic workflow capabilities for documenting engineering issues, quality assurance reviews, assigning Material Designators, and maintaining the Level I/SUBSAFE Stock Program Catalog.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides
Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
ESRS IT System Sustainment
Engineering Support Request System (ESRS) is the primary workflow system to route technical referrals from the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and NAVSUP WSS to and from NAVSEA In- Service Engineering Activities (ISEAs) and NAVAIR CIMCO organizations.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
TSS IT System Sustainment
The Technical Support Services (TSS) system provides electronic workflow capabilities for creating and reviewing Technical Data Packages used in the procurement of Level I/SUBSAFE and DSS-SOC Stock Program material. The system consists of two modules: Technical Data Package (TDP) and Electronic Contract Data Submission (ECDS).
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
eCRAFT IT System Sustainment
The Electronic Cost Reporting and Financial Tracking (eCRAFT) system is a post-award acquisition analysis and documentation tool that tracks service contracts and supports comprehensive means for contract surveillance and performance monitoring of cost reimbursement contracts. The eCRAFT tool provides a vehicle for the electronic reporting by vendors/contractors of charges against contracts/task orders.
The Acquisition Tracking System (ATS) provides comprehensive work-in-process and history data for both major contracts and Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP) sub processes, as well as data for planning purposes. It provides reports on requisition status, open actions, workload per branch and individuals, and processing time.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
IAE (Integrated Acquisition Environment) (FAPIIS/CPARS) IT System Sustainment
The Contractor Performance Assessment and Reporting System (CPARS) is used to document and retrieve contractor and grantee performance information as required by Federal Regulations. FAR Part 42 identifies requirements for documenting and using contractor performance evaluations for systems, non-systems, architect-engineer, and construction acquisitions.
The Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS) is a web-enabled application that is used to collect contractor and grantee performance information including Terminations for Cause or Default, Defective Cost and Pricing Data, Determinations of Non- Responsibility, Terminations for Material Failure to Comply (grants), Recipient Not Qualified Determinations (grants), DoD Determination of Contractor Fault, Administrative Agreements, Information on Trafficking in Persons, and Subcontractor Payment Issues.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
PDREP IT System Sustainment
The Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program (PDREP) is a DON Program outlined in SECNAVINST 4855.3 with NAVSEALOGCEN Portsmouth serving as the Program’s Deputy Functional Manager. In support of DODI 4140.1-R, the PDREP promotes continuous process improvement of supply chain business processes within the DOD and DON supply chain for increased material readiness by providing a means to hold external DOD suppliers and internal supply chain stakeholders accountable. The Program provides support for detection, investigation, remediation, restitution and prevention remedies, and defends against the introduction of product substitution (material fraud) and counterfeit materiel into the DOD’s supply chain. The Program motivates suppliers to supply conforming (quality) material and to deliver on time. It provides an overall cost savings to DON and DOD by enabling personnel to monitor and then adopt or adapt emerging business practices providing best-value, secure materiel and services, improve supply chain performance, and reduce total life-cycle cost of weapons systems.
The Program utilizes the AIS to collect and validate data in support of DODI 5000.79. The AIS is a suite of several software applications or modules that supports documenting supplier performance and product information (SPPI) throughout the life cycle of the materiel or services provided to the DON and DOD. The AIS enables the DOD and DON to provide and maintain an enterprise solution as a centralized database, with application capabilities for reporting, processing, collecting, storing, and sharing SPPI. The AIS supports DODI 8500.01 policy to use standardized IT tools, methods, and processes to the greatest extent possible to eliminate duplicate costs and to focus resources on creating technologically mature and verified solutions.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
SPRS IT System Sustainment
The Supplier Performance Risk System (SPRS) is a web-enabled enterprise application that gathers, processes, and displays data about the performance of suppliers. SPRS is the DoDs single, authorized application to retrieve suppliers’ performance information. The Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Subpart 213.1 requires contracting officers to consider this data for supply contracts valued at less than or equal to $1 million.
NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations. Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
Supplier Quality Functional Engineering Sustainment
NAVSEALOGCEN provides NAVSEA 05R3 Supplier Product Quality (SPQ) support for routine metrics and reports. These include: PQDR cycle times, receipt inspection attribute analysis, supplier and material quality reporting, PQDR analysis, supplier scorecards, Controlled Industrial Material (CIM), SEA 05R3 program metrics, DLA stock screening actions, Navy stock screening actions.
Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN supports the management and oversight of the LI/SS stock program activities. Monitors supplier performance, provides input for potential modification of Government oversight, and support interaction with NAVSUP-WSS/DCMA/Suppliers when warranted. Provides engineering assistance to the NAVSEA Receipt Inspection Management System (RIMS) process, and administration support for one NAVSEA 05R3 employee and up to three quality assurance engineering on-site representatives.
NOSSA IT System Sustainment
NAVSEALOGCEN provides program management in support of the Naval Ordnance Safety and Security Activity (NOSSA). This includes the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations.
Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.
SEATRACQ IT System Management
NAVSEA Training Acquisition (SEATRACQ) is NAVSEA’s Navy Training System Plan (NTSP) website. NAVSEALOGCEN personnel provide the full range of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support to include, project management, planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and operations.
Additionally, NAVSEALOGCEN provides Information Assurance (IA) support to include Risk Management Framework (RMF) management. Customer may choose the full range of SDLC or subsections as required.