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Type of Agreement NSWC Philadelphia Division with Purpose and Advantage Description

Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)

U.S. or foreign business, universities and individuals

Used for competitive selection of proposals for scientific study and experimentation. Invitation to submit a proposal for Research and Development.

Provides general description of Navy needs and future requirements; not a formal Request for Proposal. May be open up to a year. Contracts may or may not be awarded. Publication in the Commerce and Business Daily.

Work for Private Parties Agreement (WFPP)

Any business, university or private entity.

Rapid contract process whereby unique NSWC Philadelphia Division facilities and personnel can be directly accessed and paid for by a non-government customer.

Tasking based on Statement of Work by customer and cost estimate provided by NSWC Philadelphia Division personnel. Approval at local level; not subject to Federal Acquisition Regulations. Requires indemnification and advanced or phased payment.

Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement (MOU or MOA)

Any federal government entity, university or business entity.

Shows intent to work together in a partnership or collaborative manner. No funding, contracting or accounting.

A high level agreement documenting and identifying areas of potential collaboration and/or a strategy to do so. Requires approval by senior managers.

Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA)

Any non-federal government entity.

Joint development and sharing of
facilities, knowledge, experience and/or intellectual property. Provides data and intellectual property protection from Freedom of Information Act for an established period of time.

An agreement that provides for joint research and development; however, Carderock Division personnel and facilities costs may be paid for by the non-government partner. Approval by NSWC Philadelphia Division Commander. Not subject to Federal Acquisition Regulations.

Patent License Agreement

Any entity.

Commercially exploit patented government developed technology. Licensees have competitive advantage for commercialization of a product or process.

Assigns the right to make, use or sell government intellectual property. License fees and/or royalties may be involved. Approved by the NSWC Philadelphia Division Commander.

Small Business Innovative Research Program (SBIR)

Any U.S. small business with less than 500 employees.

Take advantage of special funding set aside by Congress to develop innovative solutions to Navy problems having a potential for commercial use.

Contracts are phased to permit technology feasibility and demonstration before full-scale development commercialization. Award amounts generally from $100K to $750K, depending upon phase.

Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA)

State or local government, universities, and qualified non-profit entities.

Assigned personnel act as employees of institution to which they are assigned. Promotes inter-governmental understanding and collaboration for mutual benefit.

Personnel temporarily assigned to another organization for 1 to 4 years. Salary may be paid by receiving or assigning organization or the cost may be shared.

Integrated Product and Process Development or Integrated Product Teams (IPPD or IPT)

Parties involved in development and delivery of a product or concept.

Empowerment of a team to develop or deliver a product at best cost, schedule and quality that is supportable.

Encourages coordination, communication and innovation for development of new products or technologies for the benefit of all parties.