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Technology Partnerships

Technology Partnerships – We Are Better Together

NSWC Port Hueneme regularly partner with academia, industry, non-profit organizations, and other government agencies to enhance their technological capabilities and improve the quality and speed of products and services to the fleet to meet national security requirements.

Partnering with NSWC Port Hueneme offers access to state-of-the-art DoD technology, facilities, and personnel. A variety of business partnership vehicles make it easy for organizations to leverage our innovative technologies.

Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA) (15 USC 3710a)

  • A legal agreement between a Federal laboratory and a non-Federal partner, i.e., industry, academia, state and local government, to perform cooperative and mutually beneficial research and development.

Work for Private Party (WFPP) Agreements (10 USC 2539b and 10 USC 2563)

  • In a Work With Private Party Agreement, similar to a Work for Others, the prospective partner submits a work description and requests a proposal from the Navy facility. A series of technical discussions usually precede an RFP to obtain an understanding of the technical scope, specific requirements, time schedule, role of each partner in the work agreement, and the capability to deliver specific items.

Patent License Agreements (35 USC 209)

  • Assigns the right to make, use or sell government intellectual property.

Memoranda of Understanding (MOU), Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) and Inter-agency/Inter-service Support Agreements (ISA)

  • A high level agreement documenting and identifying areas of potential collaboration and/or a strategy to do so. 

NavalX Ventura TechBridge

Ventura County is home to a diverse and geographic rich environment which includes public and private universities, a high technology corridor as well as Naval Base Ventura County. The Naval Base includes Point Mugu, Port Hueneme and San Nicolas Island - serving the Pacific Fleet as an all-in-one mobilization site, deep water port, railhead and airfield. The base includes more than 100 tenant commands as well as three major Warfare Centers (Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme Division, Naval Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center and Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division). Ventura County also is home to the US Navy's Self Defense Test Ship - a remote controlled, fully functioning ship, the Navy's Deep Ocean Simulation Facility that can replicate pressures experienced in the Mariana's Trench - the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean at 35,000 feet below sea level, as well as the Navy's Sea Range - the nation's largest and most capable instrumented Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) capability covering over 27 thousand square miles of ocean and military Special Use Airspace.

TechBridge Ventura is based in Ventura California at the FATHOMWERX laboratory at the Port of Hueneme. FATHOMWERX was established in 2019 as a public-private consortium and resource for technical innovation and capability transition. FATHOMWERX includes 60,000 square feet of space focused on rapid innovation, disruption and audacious projects with support engagement, education, experimentation, and assessment, designed to connect operational stakeholders with technical subject matter experts who might assist in developing solutions to address operational needs. Through strategic partnerships within the region, programs conducted evaluate developing technologies against operational needs in the port and maritime domains, and suggest pathways for engagement, funding, collaboration and implementation.


**Achieving Full Potential Through Collaboration**