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Technical Reports
December 2014 S1000D Issue 4.0.1 Tagging and Authoring Guidelines for Standard NAVSEA Integrated Publishing Process 
April 2013  NAVSEA Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) Viewer Software Performance Requirements Document 
July 2003  Web-Based Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) Common User Interface Style Guide Version 2.0 
May 15, 2000  MIL-HDBK 511 DoD Handbook for Interoperability of Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals 
August 1999   Proposed DoD Guidelines For Implementation Of A Web-Based Joint IETM Architecture (JIA) To Assure The Interoperability of DoD IETMs 
May 1999   IETM User-Interaction ("Look and Feel") Guidelines  
Oct. 19-21,1998   A Web-Based Architecture for Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETMs) 
October 1998   Joint IETM Interoperability 
Oct. 26, 1998  The Future Benefits of Utilizing a Web-Based Architecture for DoD IETMs  
August 1998  Proposed Web-Based Joint IETM Architecture (JIA) for the Interoperability of DoD IETMs 
July 1998  Plan for DoD Wide Demonstrations of a DoD Improved Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) Architecture 
March 1998   Proposed Web-Based Architecture for the Interoperability of Naval Aviation IETMs 
Oct. 15, 1997   The DoD IETM Interoperability Project 
Oct. 15, 1997  Tri-Service Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) Technology Working Group 
Oct. 31, 1996  Achieving Interoperability Through a Proposed New Information Architecture for the Acquisition and Use of IETMs 
October 1996   New Approaches for Navy Technical Training and Job Performance Aiding Using Expanded IETM Technology 
May 1996   The Move to Paperless Technical Manuals in the US DoD 
Oct. 24, 1995   Maturing, Migrating, Merging, or Mixing?  The Future of the DoD IETM Specification 
October 1995   Potential Benefits to Navy Training Programs Resulting from Increased Use of Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals Phase I - Initial Evaluation of IETM Applicability to Schoolhouse and Worksite Training Functions   
Oct. 1, 1995    MIL-PRF-87268
Manuals, Interactive Electronic Technical - General Content, Style, Format, and User-Interaction Requirements
Oct. 1, 1995  MIL-PRF-87269A Data Base, Revisable - Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals, For The Support Of  
October 1994   The Interactive Electronic Technical Manual Overview "Setting the Stage"  
October 1994    IETMs: From Research to Reality 
April 1994   DoD Classes of Electronic Technical Manuals 
June 1993   Results of a Joint Navy/Air Force Operational Test to Evaluate USAF Integrated Maintenance Information Systems (IMIS) Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) Technology Applied to the F/A-18 Aircraft 
March 17-18, 1993
The Interactive Electronic Technical Manual 
Dec. 10, 1992   DoD Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETMs)
Using the Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) Specifications Developed by the Tri-Service Working Group for IETMs 
Nov. 20, 1992   MIL-Q-87270 Quality Assurance Program: Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals and Associated Technical Information; Requirements For 
Nov. 14, 1991  DoD Specifications for Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETMs)
Status Report on Draft Specifications Developed by the Tri-Service Working Group for IETMs
Dec. 5, 1990   DoD Specifications for Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETMs)
Status Report on Draft Specifications and Handbooks  Developed by the Tri-Service Working Group for IETMs 
September 1988   Test and Evaluation of the Navy Technical Information Presentation System (NTIPS) AN/SPA-25D Field Test Results 
September 1988   Test and Evaluation of the Navy Technical Information Presentation System (NTIPS) F-14A Field Test Results