1. A "danger" element type has been added and defined as a fourth special paragraph element type in addition to "warning", "caution", and "note". The special paragraphs are defined as follows:
DANGER: The danger marking is used to indicate a location, equipment, system, or the ship where imminent hazard exists capable of producing immediate injury or death to personnel or threatens the primary mission of the ship.
WARNING: The warning marking is used to indicate a location, equipment, system, or the ship where a potential hazard exists capable of producing injury to personnel if approved procedures are not followed.
CAUTION: The caution marking is used to indicate where a hazard exists that could severely damage equipment, system, or the ship causing loss of mission capability if approved procedures are not followed.
NOTE: The note marking is used to indicate a special piece of information.
1.1 The "danger" element type is defined as
<!ELEMENT danger - - (para | paraalts | graphic | graphicalts | %list;)+
-(figure | table | chart | external | databrk)>
<!ATTLIST danger
security (u | c | s | ts) #IMPLIED>
1.2 Placement of "danger" element. The "danger" element can occur anywhere "warning", "caution", and "note" elements are allowed with the exception of "warnsum" and "safesum" element contents.
1.2.1 The "paracon" parameter entity
<!ENTITY % paracon "para | paraalts | warning | caution | note">
was redefined as
<!ENTITY % paracon "para | paraalts | danger | warning | caution | note">
The redefinition of the "%paracon;" options will affect the content of those element types whose content models are defined in terms of "%paracon;": "foreword", "preface", "intro", "appendix", "chapter", "fsection", "item", "para0", "rsection", "section", the 7 "subparas", the 7 "step1s", the 7 "step1rs" and "subsection".
1.2.2 The "entry" element type
<!ELEMENT entry - - (para | warning | caution | note | %text; | %list;)+>
was redefined as
<!ELEMENT entry - - (para | danger | warning | caution | note | %text; | %list;)+>
1.2.3 The "paralt" element type
<!ELEMENT paralt - - (para | warning | caution | note)+>
was redefined as
<!ELEMENT paralt - - (para | danger | warning | caution | note)+>
1.2.4 The "paraalts" element type
<!ELEMENT paraalts - - (paralt | para | warning | caution | note)+
was redefined as
<!ELEMENT paraalts - - (paralt | para | danger | warning | caution | note)+
2. The "subfoldout" Element Type has been added to permit foldouts in figures
2.1 The "subfoldout" element type is defined as
<!ELEMENT subfoldout - - (subfig)+ -(foldout)>
<!ATTLIST subfoldout pgstyle NUMBER #IMPLIED>
2.2 Placement of "subfoldout" element
The "subfoldout" element type was incorporated by redefining the "figure" element.
<!ELEMENT figure - - (title?, (graphic | (subfig | figurealts)+))
-(table | chart | figure | external | databrk)>
<!ELEMENT figure - - (title?, (graphic | (subfig | figurealts | subfoldout)+))
-(table | chart | figure | external | databrk)>
3. The "chapter" element type has been modified to allow a final choice of: (1) one or more "section" elements followed by an optional "para0" element, or (2) one or more "para0" elements. This change accommodates documents where sections are sometimes followed by first order paragraphs.
3.1 The "chapter" element type
<!ELEMENT chapter - - (title?, (%paracon;)*, intro?, (section+ | para0+))>
was redefined as
<!ELEMENT chapter - - (title?, (%paracon;)*, intro?, ((section,
para0?)+ | para0+))>
4. The "foldout" element type has been modified to allow tables in a foldout..
4.1 The "foldout" element type
<!ELEMENT foldout - - (figure)+ -(foldout)>
was redefined as
<!ELEMENT foldout - - (figure | table)+ -(foldout)>
5. The "glossary" element type has been modified to allow a glossary to consist of one or more data definition sets presented in either a definition list or a table format where each data definition set would have its own title.
5.1 The "glossary" element type
<!ELEMENT glossary - - ((para | paraalts)?, (title, deflist)+)
+(ftnote | brk)>
was redefined as
<!ELEMENT glossary - - ((para | paraalts)?, (title, (deflist|table)+)+)
+(ftnote | brk)>
6. The "para" element type has been modified to allow the "%externals;" options of "audio", "video", "process", "ipcmsg", "media", or "subtask" elements in "para" content.
6.1 The "para" element type
<!ELEMENT para - - (title?, (%text; | %list;)+) -(databrk)>
was refined as
<!ELEMENT para - - (title?, (%text; | %list; | %externals;)+) -(databrk)>
7. Miscellaneous Attribute Changes and Differences
7.1 The "security" attribute
security (u | c | s | ts) #IMPLIED
has been added to the "title" element type since "title" content can contain classified data.