In the last 20 years, NAVSEA 00C5 has proven that Underwater Ship Husbandry (UWSH) saves money. It often eliminates the need for drydock repairs, extends the interval between drydockings, and minimizes the amount of ship time spent in dry dock.
NAVSEA's Underwater Ship Husbandry Division (UWSH) is chartered to develop techniques, procedures, and equipment to perform ship repairs waterborne. The Division is responsible as program director, technical authority, acquisition manager, and life cycle manager for the Navy UWSH Program.
Program Mission
The Objectives of the UWSH Program are to:
- reduce maintenance costs,
- improve fleet readiness,
- and influence ship design.
- By preventing or reducing drydockings, the ship repair process becomes streamlined and cost effective. By providing the UWSH diver with tools, procedures and technical support to accomplish various underwater repairs, fleet readiness and self-sufficiency are increased. Participation in the ship design process provides the opportunity to ensure a ship is "diver" friendly and easily repaired underwater.
The UWSH Division uses technical experts as on-site field operators to provide training and expertise to fleet maintenance activities. We administer worldwide contracts for underwater hull cleaning and diving services which are beyond the capability or capacity of fleet assets. Specialized fly-away equipment that is not frequently used by individual activities, but required for complex UWSH repair operations is managed and maintained in our warehouses. Engineered technical documentation and procedures allow fleet activities to properly conduct underwater maintenance and repairs developed by our engineers and repair specialists.
The UWSH Division has numerous customers, including Fleet maintenance activities, NAVSEA field activities (naval shipyards and SUPSHIP) and various codes within NAVSEA headquarters organization. It also supports MSC, USCG, and foreign Military Assistance Program, when requested.
Technical Publications
- Technical documentation developed by 00C5 supporting the UWSH Program, can be found on our Publications and Technical Documentation page. In addition, some Underwater Ship Husbandry Manuals are available here in PDF format.
- In order to improve Fleet readiness and increase self-sufficiency, 00C5 has assembled a collection of underwater inspection cameras and can make them available to U.S. Navy Fleet activities requiring that capability.
Visit ESSM sitehere.
Naval Activities with a requirement to borrow one of these systems should use the ESSM Equipment Request system located on the https://secure.SUPSALV.org website.