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  • NSS-SY is the Navy’s overarching initiative to drive transformational reduction in availability duration for the Navy’s nuclear-powered warships.
  • The goal is to deliver all availabilities on time by FY23 and meet class maintenance plan (CMP) by FY26.
  • NSS-SY is a business and process improvement initiative to increase the on-time delivery of submarines and aircraft carriers across all four public shipyards.
    • NSS-SY improves work execution by streamlining processes, enhancing coordination between work groups and dismantling barriers.
    • Personnel directly benefitting from the NSS-SY effort have provided feedback this is helping to track and accomplish jobs in a more timely manner.
    • The goal:  to not just improve the way we currently do things, but to fundamentally transform them, by eliminating certain functions if they do not provide value.
    • A collection of commercial industry best practices, tailored to specific needs.
  • It’s about working smarter in planning, not harder in execution.
    • In addition to effective planning, accelerating momentum is crucial to this effort.
    • Through NSS-SY, the contributions our shipyard workers make to Navy readiness and lethality will become even more consequential.
  • So, how does NSS-SY do that?
    • NSS-SY ensures the production workforce has the tools, equipment, material, and information needed to execute jobs in the most efficient manner possible.
    • Getting people what they need when they need it.
      • Treating mechanics as surgeons, for example. When they ask for an instrument, it’s handed right to them. Not an hour later, causing delays.
  • Fixing problems across the entire ship maintenance system/ not just the shipyard.
    • Fundamentally transforming high priority processes and eliminating unnecessary ones.
    • Improving operational level maintenance practices.
    • Providing stable, predictable requirements to industry.
    • Removing barriers that permit our people to do their best work.


It’s a cultural shift for everyone, but it’s one we are embracing, together. 






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