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  • While NSS-SY cannot magically solve all our problems, it does give us more power to test out improvements and challenge existing requirements. Each of us has the responsibility to identify and communicate the obstacles that prevent us from doing our jobs. We must commit ourselves to try new methods, tools, and ideas, even when they are not our own, to improve our work. As we implement changes, we need to honestly evaluate the results. If our efforts fail to meet an objective, we will learn from our attempt, design a better plan, and move forward with renewed determination. If we are open to the opportunities that NSS-SY provides, we can use this system to improve our ability to deliver ships back to the fleet on-time so they can defend America against increasing foreign competition.
  • At NAVSEA, we know we must be on time, every time. If not:
    • Loss of fleet readiness
    • Loss of crew proficiency
    • Millions of dollars in cost overruns each and every day
  • We also know that our shipyards are responsible for maintaining one of the strongest lines of defense for our country.
    • Expertly taking care of our platforms is in NAVSEA’s DNA.
    • That’s why everyone in our organization will own this.
    • Nearly 70% of the fleet we will have in 2030 is in service today.
    • Sustaining our ships is critical to meeting future demands.
  • Shipyards are the most consequential driver of Navy readiness and lethality
    • The Navy is only as strong as our shipyards
    • In today’s world, we MUST think, act, and operate differently
    • Because every day a ship is in the yards is one less day it can be out at sea protecting the U.S.
    • NSS-SY will help us better deliver combat capability to the fleet.
    • At sea is where our ships – America’s national assets – belong.
    • NAVSEA is committed to getting them there.

Find out more about NSS-SY. Ask questions. Share your thoughts and frustrations. Talk to leaders from your shop or code, or contact the NSS-SY subject matter experts via email at [email link]