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Work for Private Parties

The mission of the NSWC Carderock Division as defined by Congress, enables the Carderock Division to work with the U.S. maritime industry, academia, state and local governments and private industry. The Carderock Division has diversified and unique research, testing, modeling and simulation capabilities and computer software that both industry and academia have long expressed an interest in and have often used in their work. An option available for establishing a working alliance with the Carderock Division may be done via a Work For Private Party Agreement. The following provides background and guidance in developing a Work for Private Party Agreement.


A number of laws and policies have been implemented to broaden the authority of defense activities to partner with private parties. These laws and policies offer opportunities for NSWC Carerock Division to reduce operating and ownership costs, enhance commercialization of dual-use technologies, and increase private sector access to defense-unique capabilities. All NSWC Carderock Division work with private parties is authorized by the following Statutes:
  1. 10 U.S.C. 7303 – authorizes the Secretary of the Navy to authorize experiments to be made at the Model Basin for private persons. (This statute is most commonly used at NSWCCD).

  2. 10 U.S.C. 2539b – authorizes the Secretary of Defense to sell services of any Government laboratory, center, range, or other testing facility for the testing of materials, equipment, models, computer software, and other items as delegated to the directors or commanders of the Warfare Center (WARCEN) Divisions.

  3. 10 U.S.C. 2563 – authorizes the Secretary of Defense to sell articles and services that are manufactured or performed by any DOD working capital funded industrial facility of the armed forces to parties outside of the DOD. (Requires NSWC Carderock Division and NSWC Headquarters approval).

Getting Started

In a work for Private Party Agreement, the prospective partner (the company) submits a work description and requests a proposal from the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division Technical Point of Contact. (The WFPP Office is available for assistance in determining the applicable TPOC).

A series of technical discussions between NSWC Carderock Division and the customer should be conducted between technical personnel and the prospective partner to assure understanding of the technical scope, the requirements, the schedule, the role of the partners and the capability of the Division to deliver.

Documentation/Signatures Required

NSWC Carderock Division provides a cost proposal and a Work For Private Party Agreement document essentially as outlined in the Sample Work For Private Party Agreement and Sample of Estimated Cost Proposal and forwards to the Private Party (customer).

All agreements shall be signed by a Corporate Official (Private Party), NSWC Carderock Division Technical Division Head and NSWC Carderock Division Agreement Official within the Acquisition Management Division.

A copy of the signed agreement will be distributed to the TPOC/PP by the WFPP Office.

No work shall commence until the agreement has been executed (final signature obtained by the Agreement Official) and the funds have been received by the NSWC Carderock Division Budget Office.

Contact Information
For additional information or any questions, contact the Work For Private Party Office:  

Phone: 301-227-3604 or 301-227-5815
Fax: 301-227-2966