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Program Summary

In 2021, the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition (ASN (RDA)) established the Guided Missile Destroyer (DDG (X)) Program Office (PMS 460), within Program Executive Office (PEO) Ships. PMS 460 manages the planning, technology development, design, systems selection and construction planning for the Navy’s next generation of Guided Missile Destroyers.  DDG(X) will be the Navy’s enduring large surface combatant that follows the highly successful Arleigh Burke-class (DDG 51) program after more than four decades in production. 

In an effort to align functional efforts with mission priorities, PEO Ships’ Electric Ships program office has been incorporated into PMS 460, enabling the DDG(X) program office to leverage expertise in developing and implementing an Integrated Power System, a key foundation of these future surface combatant ships.

The DDG(X) program office is responsible for developing an acquisition strategy, design and technical data package, and plans for ship construction, testing, fleet introduction and sustainment. In FY 2021, the Navy continues Conceptual Design efforts for DDG(X) and began collaboration with both DDG 51 shipyards to achieve the Chief of Naval Operations targets for cost, schedule, and performance. These efforts will continue in FY 2022 with the start of Preliminary Design, including increased collaboration with both shipbuilders and the surface combatant industrial base.  The first DDG(X) is scheduled to be procured in FY 2028.

August 2021