EMPLOYMENT AND SALARY VERIFICATION FOR CURRENT AND FORMER EMPLOYEES NAVSEA's current employees (Civilian and Military) and former employees (Retired Military, Retired Civilians and Separated) have the following choices to meet provider requests for employment and salary verification. Third Party Requestors CANNOT use this system. It must be initiated and processed by the employee. THIRD PARTY REQUESTORS Lenders, Social Service Agency Representatives, Landlords, and others MUST work through the employee to obtain employment and/or salary verification information. CURRENT EMPLOYEES AND MILITARY SERVICEMEMBERS - Civilian employees may use Employment Verification, a MyBiz+ tool, using their Common Access Card (CAC) to send a password-protected email attachment.
- Military servicemembers can refer requestors to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) website for independent verification of service dates and/or to obtain a copy of their leave and earnings statement via myPay, a Defense Finance and Accounting Service tool.
FORMER EMPLOYEES - Civilian and military retirees may use myPay, a Defense Finance and Accounting Service tool, to obtain a copy of their Retiree Account Statement.
- Retired civilian employees may request service from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Retirement Office by phone or via OPM Services Online. Your 1099-R reflects both taxable Retired Pay and taxable Concurrent Retirement and Disability Pay.
- Separated civilian employees (non-retirees) may request access to their Official Personnel files (after 120 days from Separation Date), either in person or electronically, from the National Personnel Records Center Federal Records Center Program.