As an employee of The Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division (NSWC PCD) you will enjoy all of the benefits of Federal Employment in addition to travel opportunities and competitive salaries. These benefits include:
Job stability
NSWC PCD hosts many important Navy programs, and while no military site is completely immune to government cutbacks, NSWC PCD is positioned very well for the future.
Flexibility in work schedule
A variety of flexible and compressed work schedules are generally available to employees of NSWC PCD. Among these is flextime which allows for a sliding flexible work schedule with varied arrival and departure times from 0600 to 1800 hours. Another is the accumulation of credit hours that can be used in lieu of leave; for example, one week you could work an extra hour Monday to Thursday, and then leave four hours early on Friday. Other opportunities include working an 8 to 10 hour workday and/or the ability to complete an 80-hour bi-weekly work requirement in fewer than 10 workdays.
NSWC PCD participates in government-wide group life and health insurance programs and will greatly reduce your out-of-pocket expenses. Such a large group of people involved in these programs keeps the costs low. You can choose from numerous health insurance plans, and PPOs to find the insurance that meets your needs.
Health Benefits
Two basic types of health benefit plans are available under the Federal Employee Health Benefit (FEHB) Program:
- Fee-for-Service Plans (FFS): These plans reimburse employees or the health care provider for covered services. Employees enrolled in one of these plans may choose their own physician, hospital and other health care providers.
- Prepaid Plans: These are the Point of Service/Health Maintenance Organizations (POS/HMOs) that provide or arrange for health care by designated plan physicians, hospitals, and other providers in particular locations.
For more information click the image below:

Life Benefits
Unless employed on a temporary or intermittent basis, employees are eligible for Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) coverage. Under the FEGLI Program, employees are entitled to:
- High protection at low group rates
- Convenience of payment through payroll deductions
- Coverage after retirement
Leave and Holidays
Several types of leave are available to Federal Employees:
Annual Leave
An employee may use annual leave for vacations, rest and relaxation, personal business, or emergencies. For most employees a maximum of 240 hours of annual leave may be carried into the next leave year. While part time employees earn leave on a prorated basis full time employees earn leave as follows:
Length of Service
Annual Leave Earned
Annual Rate
Up to 3 years
4 hours/pay period
13 days/yr
3 to 15 years
6 hours/pay period
20 days/yr
15 years or more
8 hours/pay period
26 days/yr
Sick Leave
An employee may use sick leave for personal medical needs (e.g., incapacitation for illness, injury, pregnancy or childbirth; medical/dental/optical exam or treatment), care of a family member, care of a family member with a serious health condition, and for adoption-related purposes. Full-time employees earn sick leave at the rate of 4 hours each pay period (13 days per year). There is no limit to the number of hours an employee may carry from year to year.
Family Medical Leave Act
Under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA), most full-time federal employees are entitled to a total of up to 12 workweeks (480 hours) of unpaid leave during any 12-month period for the following purposes:
- Birth of a son or daughter and care of a newborn (within one year after birth).
- Placement of a son or daughter with the employee for adoption or foster care (within one year after placement).
- Care for a spouse, son, daughter or parent with a serious health condition.
- Serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the duties of his or her position.
The Act also includes up to 26 weeks of leave to a federal employee who is a military spouse/son/daughter/parent or next of kin of a covered service member with a serious injury or illness and provides care for such service member.
Military Leave
A full-time employee is provided 15 days of pay per fiscal year for active duty, active duty training, and inactive duty training in the National Guard or as a Reserve of the Armed Forces. An additional 22 days per calendar year is provided for certain emergency duty or contingency operations. Leave is prorated for part-time employees.
Full time federal government employees are entitled to 11 legal public holidays each year. Part-time employees will be paid for holidays only if they occur during their regularly scheduled workweek. The holidays are:
New Year's Day
1 January
Martin Luther King, Jr's Day
3rd Monday in January
Washington's Birthday
3rd Monday in February
Memorial Day
last Monday in May
Juneteenth National Independence Day |
19 June |
Independence Day
4 July
Labor Day
1st Monday in September
Columbus Day
2nd Monday in October
Veteran's Day
11 November
Thanksgiving Day
4th Thursday in November
Christmas Day
25 December
If a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is considered a holiday; if it falls on a Sunday, Monday is considered a holiday.
New NSWC PCD employees are enrolled in the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS). This includes the Thrift Savings Plan, which allows employees to contribute a portion of their income into their retirement fund (pre-tax), and the government will match the first 5 percent.
For more information click the image below:

Travel opportunities
Some travel will usually be required in your job, and often you will have a say on how frequently you will go on travel. This travel offers NSWC PCD employees a great opportunity to see other parts of the country (and sometimes the world) while affording them a chance to work with top professionals in other locations.
Potential promotion opportunities
NSWC PCD employees are recognized and appropriately rewarded for good performance with promotions, bonuses and permanent pay increases in a timely manner. The new personnel demonstration project serves to enhance your ability to be compensated appropriately.