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Home : Home : Warfare Centers : NSWC Corona : Resources : Academic Partnerships

The staff of the NSWC Corona has an average experience level of 12-and-a-half years. Of the approximately 950 employees, 20 percent have up to a high school education, 4 percent an associate's degree, 61 percent a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts Degree, and 15 percent a Master's degree or PhD.

Our employees share that experience, education, and training with the local community through our Adopt-A-School program. The NSWC Corona participates in educational programs in seven of the local schools through read aloud programs, tutoring, and specialized educational opportunities.

NSWC Corona also has innovative programs developed with area universities, like the University of California, to provide additional academic training for our employees, as well as leveraging the academic research resources to further fulfill NSWC Corona’s mission.


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