The International Programs Office (IPO), a component of EOD Department, assists U.S. allies and partners with EOD publications and related materials in accordance with federal laws, DoD policy and congressional guidance.
The IPO Mission:
- Implement foreign disclosure when exchanging EOD-related information with foreign allies while exploring opportunities and promoting future international collaborations in research, development, testing and evaluation (RDT&E) cooperation, standardization and interoperability.
- Reduce costs by avoiding unnecessary duplication of RDT&E efforts.
- Assist warfighters in the authorization of disclosing EOD information with foreign partners during training operations.

Primary Products and Services
IPO supported programs include:
- Information Data Exchange Agreements (IEA)
- Information Exchange Programs (IEP)
- Foreign Military Sales (FMS) of EOD publications
- Foreign Visit Requests (FVR) for Stump Neck Annex
- International training to include joint exercises and operations
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