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Program Executive Offices

NAVSEA's seven affiliated Program Executive Offices (PEOs) are responsible for all aspects of life-cycle management of their assigned programs. PEOs report to the NAVSEA commander for planning and execution of in-service support, and to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition for acquisition-related matters.

PEO logos

PEO Aircraft Carriers focuses on the design, construction and delivery, and life-cycle support of all aircraft carriers and the integration of systems into aircraft carriers.

PEO Integrated Warfare Systems develops, delivers and sustains operationally dominant combat systems for Sailors.

PEO Ships manages acquisition and complete life-cycle support for all U.S. Navy non-nuclear surface ships. These ships range from frontline combatants to amphibious ships that transport Marines and their equipment to supply and replenishment cargo ships. For these and all other non-nuclear surface craft, PEO Ships maintains “cradle to grave” responsibility including research, development, acquisition, systems integration, construction and lifetime support. 

PEO Attack Submarines aligns Virginia-class efforts under one Flag officer.

PEO Strategic Submarines (formerly PEO Columbia) proactively manages the Ohio-to-Columbia transition, including strategic shore infrastructure and industrial base capacity, to ensure uninterrupted sea-based strategic deterrent coverage into the 2080s.

PEO Undersea Warfare Systems enables the delivery of enhanced combat capability, with improved cybersecurity and resiliency, to all submarine platforms.

PEO Unmanned and Small Combatants designs, develops, builds, maintains and modernizes the Navy's expanding family of unmanned maritime systems, mine warfare systems, and Small Surface Combatants by employing the full arsenal of acquisition authority to develop and deliver innovative solutions and technologies to support the Navy.