The following changes have been implemented in the 050512 Navy ETM DTD.
- A "danger" element type has been added and defined as a fourth special paragraph element type in addition to "warning", "caution", and "note". The special paragraphs are defined as follows:
DANGER: The danger marking is used to indicate a location, equipment, system, or the ship where imminent hazard exists capable of producing immediate injury or death to personnel or threatens the primary mission of the ship.
WARNING: The warning marking is used to indicate a location, equipment, system, or the ship where a potential hazard exists capable of producing injury to personnel if approved procedures are not followed.
CAUTION: The caution marking is used to indicate where a hazard exists that could severely damage equipment, system, or the ship causing loss of mission capability if approved procedures are not followed.
NOTE: The note marking is used to indicate a special piece of information.
- The "danger" element type has been added to the options of "%paracon;" as follows
<!ENTITY % paracon "para | danger | warning | caution | note">
- The "danger" element type has been added to the options of "entry" content as follows
<!ELEMENT entry (#PCDATA | ftnref | xref | change | emphasis | graphic | subscrpt | supscrpt | symbol | partno | nsn | modelno | docno | refdes | extref | dialink | para | warning | caution | note | danger seqlist | randlist | deflist)*>
- The content model of the "chapter" element type has been redefined as follows
<!ELEMENT chapter (title?, (%paracon;)*, intro?, ((section, para0?)+ | para0+))>
to allow an optional "para0" element after a "section" element in "chapter" content. This change was made to accommodate a document class where first order paragraphs sometimes follow sections.
- The "table" element type was introduced into the content model of the "foldout" element type as follows
<!ELEMENT foldout (figure | table)+>
The required and repeatable choice of "figure" or "table" elements for "foldout" content enables: (1) large tables to be provided as a foldout, or (2) foldouts to contain tables as well as figures.
- The "table" element type was introduced into the content model of the "glossary" element type follows
<!ELEMENT glossary (para?, (title, (deflist | table)+)+)>>
This required and repeatable choice of "deflist" or "table" elements after the "title" element in "glossary" content enables one or more sets of glossary data definition sets to be provided in either definition list or table format with each data definition set having its own title.
- The "security" attribute has defined for the "title" element type as follows
<!ATTLIST title security (u | c | s | ts) #IMPLIED>
since "title" content can contain classified data.