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Missile SystemsAs evolving missile system capabilities continue to define the future of naval operations, we will continue to provide In-service Engineering and Test and Evaluation support for missile systems for the Navy’s surface fleet.Our engineering responsibility is to ensure operational readiness of the missile systems, as well as the guidance, search, track, and destroy functions.NSWC PHD Supports These Missile Systems:
  • Standard Missile  
  • NATO Seasparrow  
  • Rolling Airframe Missile  
  • Harpoon  
  • Tomahawk  

A History of Support for Missile Systems In 1963, NSWC PHD was established to provide overall technical support for the newly developed guided missiles -Terrier, Talos, and Tartar- which were being introduced onboard the surface fleet in the 1950s.As the Navy moved from guns, to missiles, to warfare systems (missile systems), the main focus of engineering technology shifted to highly integrated systems. The command’s involvement with naval surface combat systems grew to encompass the entire life cycle of weapon and combat systems, from the initial concept, through fleet introduction and operational stages.