Equipment Approval
Type of equipment requiring prior approval:
  1. Computer equipment: PCs, laptops, hand-held equipment with memory capability
  2. Camera equipment
  3. Audio taping equipment: Any tape or media player with record function
  4. Surveillance equipment
  5. Any equipment containing infrared port
Information required for approval:
  1. Name of AUTEC sponsor (and escort if required)
  2. Specific area where equipment is required for usage
  3. Date(s) approval/authorization is required
  4. Name of individual carrying/using equipment
  5. Status of media produced (will it remain on the project, will it be retained by the user, etc.)
  6. Equipment Description (Make/model) and capabilities (hard drive, floppy drive, infrared port, etc.)
  7. Purpose of visit and equipment usage
  8. Individual who will perform briefing for usage
Approval cycle:
  • Industrial Security, Facility Security Officer (required if usage within contractor operated controlled area)
  • U.S. Navy Security Officer (required) Requests for approval should be made PRIOR the visitor's arrival at AUTEC and should allow time to provide alternate means of meeting visitor's needs in the event of denial to use the equipment.
    Contact your AUTEC sponsor and submit an Equipment Authorization Form.

Test Equipment/HAZMAT Materials
Contact NUWC Base Operations, West Palm Beach, Florida at (561) 671-2612 for manifesting of cargo and/or hazardous materials 5-7 days prior to arrival. Please allow 2-3 weeks for barge shipments (large items).