EMTC partners with government, industry and academia to develop and transition technology for affordable manufacturing of energetic materials, components and systems.
The Energetics Manufacturing Technology Center (EMTC) is sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Manufacturing Technology (ManTech) Program. We are Navy-operated and located at NAVSEA's Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Division (NSWC IHD) in Indian Head, Maryland. The EMTC draws on the full spectrum of capabilities that NSWC IHD provides, including energetics research, development, modeling and simulation; engineering; manufacturing technology; production; test and evaluation; and fleet / operations support. The EMTC operates as a virtual enterprise to develop solutions to manufacturing problems by involving government, industry, and academia in identifying requirements and executing projects. Our objectives are to:
- Identify weapon system and manufacturing industrial base needs.
- Develop and demonstrate required manufacturing process technology solutions.
- Reduce manufacturing cost of energetic materials, formulations and subsystem components.
- Improve producibility, affordability, availability and safety.
- Scale-up and transition technology to industry.
EMTC is one of seven Centers of Excellence established by the ONR ManTech Program to develop solutions for manufacturing problems unique to military system / subsystem acquisition and production requirements, and the energetics industry. Navy ManTech provides a bridge from demonstrated research and development (R&D) to implementation of new or improved manufacturing technology into the production arena. For more information about the overall DoD and Navy ManTech Programs, visit https://www.manufacturing.gov/partners/department-defense and https://www.onr.navy.mil/work-with-us/navy-mantech.