NSWCCD supports a broad range of educational outreach programs, with the long-term goal of building a relevant and capable future STEM workforce. Our initiatives aim to:
- Inspire student interest in STEM through hands-on, accessible applications of naval STEM fundamentals
- Cultivate naval-relevant STEM education on a local and national level
- Provide practical experiences to engage students and teachers of all ages to "learn by doing“
- Educate the next generation with foundational skills and knowledge needed to pursue advanced STEM education and careers
- Promote STEM career awareness
Educational Programs
Educational program activities span from early elementary school science labs through university graduate-level-directed research, providing students a continuous thread of STEM experiences. Students work side-by-side with engineers, scientists and technicians on a variety of challenging, hands-on activities—which not only reinforce the basics tenets of engineering and physics, but also show students the importance of these principles in the work the Navy does every day.
For K-12 audiences, hands-on learning experiences are emphasized to encourage students and teachers to “learn by doing.” This encouragement comes in a variety of forms, including field trips; educational partnership agreements; participation in expos and festivals; sponsorship of workshops, summer camps, and teacher trainings; support of STEM competitions; and sharing educational resources for students and teachers. NSWCCD’s STEM professionals engage with students and teachers both inside and outside of the classroom. We provide resources to support Naval STEM-IN-A-BOX Kits and Training, STEM project builds (such as SeaPlane, SeaPerch, SeaJelly®, and SeaGlide®), FIRST® Robotics Mentoring, and the Carderock Math Contest.
Workforce Programs
The development of the current and future naval STEM workforce is a primary concern for the naval STEM community. Numerous programs are available to students, academic faculty and naval scientists and engineers. These programs include internships and mentorships, as well as professional development opportunities. NAVSEA works to expose students to STEM activities and the command’s vast talent pool of STEM professionals. Students who participate in these programs interact with scientists, engineers and technicians to acquire valuable skills that can be applied to their future academic and vocational endeavors.
DoD STEM Overview
The Department of Defense (DoD) has long supported STEM education and outreach activities throughout the nation. The Army, Navy, Air Force and other DoD agencies each bring unique skills and activities to the DoD STEM enterprise.
Whether it's through an immersive STEM educator program at the United States Naval Academy or a hands-on STEM summer camp at an Army laboratory, DoD services and agencies share a common goal: build a STEM-literate culture, inspire the next generation to the wonders of STEM, and attract the best and brightest to our elite workforce. Learn more at: https://dodstem.us/
The Department of the Navy’s Naval STEM education and outreach programs are deliberate investments in the U.S. Navy and Marine Corp workforce, which enhance the Navy and Marine Corps’ ability to meet present and future war-fighting challenges. Learn more at: https://www.onr.navy.mil/Education-Outreach/naval-stem.