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Home : Home : Warfare Centers : NSWC Carderock : Resources : Technical Information Systems : Navy XML/SGML Repository : DTDs & Schemas : NAVSEA S1000D Tools Repository : NAVSEA IETM Viewer

The NAVSEA Viewer 3.2 Bundle, LiveContent S1000D, and Contenta are available from NAVLOG TD ( for NAVSEA programs.  A NAVLOG TD account must be set up to access.

NOTE: Previous versions of the NAVSEA Viewer required the use of Microsoft IE. Microsoft IE will be removed from NAVSEA computer assets in mid-June 2022; therefore, previous versions of the NAVSEA Viewer will no longer be distributed.

For programs not using the NAVLOG TD resources:

NAVSEA Viewer 3.2 Bundle (Click to request the NV 3.2 bundle)

  • Requires:
    • LiveContent S1000D Version 5.11 and Contenta S1000D 5.8 (Please note: These versions of LiveContent and Contenta are a requirement and not provided in the bundle.)
  • Supports:
    • S1000D issues: 3.0, 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.1, 4.2

To report NAVSEA Viewer bugs, please contact S1000D Implementation Tier 1 Support at s1000dimplementation@navy.milFor suggesting changes to the NAVSEA Viewer, please download and follow the instructions in the NAVSEA Viewer Change Request Form template.


NAVSEA Viewer - Description

The NAVSEA Viewer was developed according to the requirements set forth in the NAVSEA INTERACTIVE ELECTRONIC TECHNICAL MANUAL (IETM) VIEWER SOFTWARE PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS- Revision 1 document (NSWCCD-80-TR-2020/021), which defines the standard requirements necessary for IETM viewer software to satisfy the look, feel and interaction requirements for NAVSEA IETMs.  This document was updated as of August 2020 and is the first revision to the original requirements document (NSWCCD-80-TR-2013/011).  To view a list of changes between the original document and the revised document, please click here.

Point of Contact

301-227-3020, 301-227-1900