The Navy On-Scene Coordinator (NOSC) is the Navy official pre-designated to coordinate Navy oil and hazardous substance spill contingency planning and to direct Navy spill response efforts in a pre-assigned region. The designated NOSC for spills occurring less than 12 nautical miles from shore is the Regional Commander, and the NOSC for spills occurring greater than 12 nautical miles from shore is generally the Numbered Fleet Commander. However, day to day NOSC planning and training functions are delegated.
The Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC) for any oil spill in U.S. waters is the USCG Captain of the Port (COTP) or the EPA for inland spills. The Navy will respond immediately and effectively to all Navy oil spills to retain control of the response, but the FOSC has authority to assume command of response efforts if they deem necessary. However, DoD is the FOSC for all hazardous substance spills on DoD facilities.
All NOSCs have responsibility to maintain updated contingency plans and conduct annual exercises according to the PREP requirements. Fleet NOSCs work to coordinate exercises with Shoreside NOSCs to reduce costs.
It is important that the NOSC knows what equipment is available and how to access it; all NOSCs have access to SUPSALV's services and USCG Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) contractors.

Specific responsibilities of the NOSC include:
- Create a Regional NOSC Plan for spills beyond inherent facility capability
- Develop and train a Region Spill Management Team
- Serve as the Navy On-Scene Coordinator for large spills
- Ensure bases and facilities are prepared to carry out responsibilities
- Develop and execute a regional training and drill program according to PREP guidelines (see Preparedness tab)
- Coordinate NOSC plans/activities with Fleet and base operations
- Coordinate Natural Resource Damage Assessments and claims
- Coordinate with federal, state and local government through working with the Area Committees on the Area Plan and conducting joint exercises
SUPSALV has the responsibility for management of the Navy's oil and hazardous substance spill tracking program. The focus of this program is primarily to track all Navy spill messages, record the reported information in a database from which spill analysis can be performed, and reconcile the spill information with that on record with the NOSC and the National Response Center. Once the spill information is entered into the database, weekly, monthly and annual reports are generated, as well as customized reports on an ad hoc basis, and provided to OPNAV Environmental Readiness division (N45).
This application can be found by clicking here
U.S. Navy OHS Spill Tracking and Planning Tool (DoD CAC users only)