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Home : Home : Warfare Centers : NSWC Corona : What We Do : Contracts Department

The Contracts Department provides Command-wide leadership and management in the areas of pre-award and post-award functions related to simplified acquisitions and contracts: acquisition management through policy development, data systems operations and analysis, performance measurement, oversight and workforce training, development, and certification. Code 02 represents the Command in supporting the NSWC Corona, NAVSEA, and other Commands, SYSCOMS, and agencies in the area of contract execution and acquisition management.

Core Functions

Major Acquisitions

  • Responsible for the solicitation, award, administration, and closeout of all contracts and other major acquisition instruments for the Department, including detachment locations
  • Collects and evaluates user requirements and as appropriate recommends for integration adaptations to technical data packages
  • Leads Command-wide effort to design, build and execute quality contracts
  • Manages the full lifecycle of contract activities
  • Serves as a liaison to ensure coordination with leadership, technical departments, and other oversight organizations
  • Administers contracts including monitoring, providing assistance, reviewing and accepting interim and final deliverables and reports, reviewing and approving payments, assessing overall contract performance, reviewing and approving modifications, executing terminations as necessary, and closing out contracts

Simplified Acquisition and Contract Administration

  • In conjunction with NAVSEA, manages delegated acquisition authority function and maintains files
  • Prepares guidance and procedural updates and keeps the community informed of current, relevant simplified acquisition issues
  • Administers and oversees the incremental funding on post-award contract activities, providing guidance, training, and reviews
  • Plans, negotiates, awards and terminates SAPS and BPAs
  • Administers and develops acquisition standards and specifications for simplified acquisitions
  • Provides technical assistance to technical departments on the design, manufacture, use, and acquisition of equipment, supplies, and technical services
  • Coordinates and submits pertinent acquisition business data and documentation
  • Negotiates vendor discounts with open market and Federal Supply Schedule vendors
  • Conducts discount validation reviews and identifies areas of procedural problems, as well as non-compliance by SAP and BPA vendors

Acquisition/Contract Policy, e-Business Operations, and Compliance

  • Formulates Command operating policies governing local acquisition activities, publishing and maintaining the NAVSEA Contract Policy updates, and participating in NAVSEA-wide acquisition rule-making through the Policy Councils
  • Prepares, publishes, and controls policy guides, handbooks, brochures, internet web site content and other materials governing the Department’s acquisition processes
  • Provides advice and technical assistance on matters related to Command acquisition programs and sustaining acquisition workforce development
  • Coordinates the agency’s electronic commerce activities, including managing acquisition-related e-business applications
  • Conducts procurement management internal reviews, promotes consistent and standardized business practices, and facilitates and improves the acquisition system
  • Coordinates the certification programs for the Command’s Contracting Officer Representatives (COR)
  • Maintains the electronic contract data requirements for agency automated management systems and preparing internal and external procurement performance reports
  • Administers contract closeout activities
  • Maintains the Command’s Acquisition Five-year Demand Signal and formalized technical department acquisition strategies

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