Condition and
Environment Sensing and Reporting System (CAESAR)
Condition and Environment Sensing and Reporting System, CAESAR,
is a system of fiber optic sensors currently being developed for use with the
Vertical Launching System, the VLS. CAESAR senses temperature and vibration in
order to predict and improve missile reliability.
CAESAR data will be processed concurrently on the ship and
at shore facilities and could be the basis for a recommendation to deactivate
or prioritize the use of a launcher cell for firing. It will also document
missile history to develop handling improvements to prevent missile damage and
to promote faster turnaround testing at the weapon stations. All of which
translates to a better quality missile and fewer test failures.
This technology has tremendous growth potential for the next
generation of combat systems support. While being developed for Standard
Missile and VLS, the goal is to install sensors in all shipboard combat systems
in concert with the Integrated Condition Assessment System, the ICAS, used on
hull, mechanical, and electrical systems. This proactive support would permit
shore-based real time monitoring of combat and engineering systems, and
subsequently, reduce shipboard workload.