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Home : Home : Warfare Centers : NSWC Carderock : Resources : Technical Information Systems : Navy XML/SGML Repository : DTDs & Schemas : NAVSEA Class 2 ETM DTD : Early Revisions : Rev B Changes
Changes from July 14, 1995 version


1.1 This NAVSEA ETM Class 2 Revision B (August 14, 1995) DTD is the NAVSEA 04TD APPROVED DTD for MIL-STD-38784-like ETMS.

1.2 The changes from the NAVSEA ETM Class 2 Revision A (July 14, 1995) DTD are detailed below.


2.1 The "xidtype" attribute definition

          xidtype (figure | table | text) #REQUIRED

has been introduced in the ATTLIST declaration for the "xref" element.

2.2 The "title" element has been redefined as

          <!ELEMENT title - - (%text;) -(table | chart | figure | symbol |
          xlink | databrk)>

to allow both footnote references ("ftnref" tags) and cross-references ("xref" tags) to occur in "title" content.

2.3 The default value of "colwidth" attribute of the "colspec" attribute has been changed from #IMPLIED to #REQUIRED to ensure similarity of appearance of an ETM table with the same table in hard copy.

2.4 The "appendix" element has been redefined as

          <!ELEMENT appendix - - (title?, (%paracon;)*,
          (chapter* | section* | para0*))
          +(ftnote | brk | databrk | figure | external |
          xelemloc | chart | table)>

to provide the option of tagging multiple vendor inserts in an appendix in terms of a chapter.

2.5 The "subsection" element

          <!ELEMENT subsection - - (title?, (%paracon;)*, para0*)>
          <!ATTLIST subsection tocentry %yesorno; "1"
                    id ID #IMPLIED
                    chglvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
                    delchlvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
                    inschlvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
                    label CDATA #IMPLIED
                    security (u | c | s | ts ) #IMPLIED >

has been introduced into a redefined "section" element as follows

          <!ELEMENT section - - (title?, ( %paracon; )*, (subsection
                    | para0)*>

          <!ATTLIST section tocentry %yesorno; "1"
                    id ID #IMPLIED
                    chglvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
                    delchlvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
                    inschlvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
                    label CDATA #IMPLIED
                    security (u | c | s | ts ) #IMPLIED >