NSWC Dahlgren Division Dam Neck Activity (NSWCDD DNA) is headquartered in Virginia Beach, Virginia—the world’s largest Navy fleet concentration area. NSWCDD DNA is home to the Navy’s cutting-edge fleet training systems development, as well as resident experts in cyber and intelligence engineering, fleet readiness and fleet support operations across all surface Navy programs.
Our Mission: To be a recognized R&D and Engineering National leader developing innovative, affordable, and effective threat-driven integrated training systems, cyber warfare, fleet readiness and sustainment solutions for the Naval Warfighter.
Our Vision: Defeat all current and future national threats with cyber resilient tactical and training systems fortified with exemplary fleet readiness.
NSWCDD DNA performs cutting-edge research & development (R&D), and warfare systems design and integration to ensure warfare systems superiority for the warfighter. DNA’s dedicated workforce is comprised of nearly 500 employees including more than 40 employees at various offsite locations, supporting the warfighter from fleet concentration areas nationwide.
Our Strategic Thrusts
Technical Thrust 1: Intelligence & Cyber Technology
Enhance the Navy’s readiness by providing superior intelligence data collection systems and ensuring shipboard and shore-based networks are cyber secure.
The goal of Intelligence & Cyber Technology is to develop, integrate, and deliver advanced Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) technologies. Employ emergent technologies and prototyping capabilities to demonstrate and transition improved intelligence and cyber capabilities. Enhance our current capabilities to become a full-spectrum Build-Attack-Defend cybersecurity solution provider.
Technical Thrust 2: Integrated Training Systems
Design, develop, deploy and sustain integrated training and readiness systems for the naval, joint, and coalition warfighter ensuring capabilities meet the challenges of today and tomorrow’s threats through technologically advanced and cost-effective solutions.
The goal of Integrated Training Systems is to lead the engineering and development of Naval Surface and Expeditionary Warfare training systems for emerging and fielded warfighting capabilities and threats. Leverage emerging technologies and techniques such as adaptive learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Augmented Reality (AR)/Virtual Reality (VR) to advance training capabilities that enhance warfighter lifelong learning and proficiency. Expand our robust S&T engineering capability to enable development and implementation of AR/VR technologies in order to increase the realism and effectiveness of naval training.
Technical Thrust 3: Combat Systems Readiness
Engineer, deliver, and sustain Surface Navy Combat Systems solutions enhancing readiness and accelerating capability to the warfighter.
The goal of Combat Systems Readiness is to establish Dam Neck Activity as the Secure Common Operating Environment Provider for Surface Navy Combat Systems. Increase fleet readiness and reduce delivery time of capability & modernization enhancements for Surface Navy Combat Systems. Provide Surface Navy Combat Systems support to enable distributed testing capability on the Eastern seaboard and enhanced readiness of systems to the fleet.
Technical Thrust 4: Science & Technology
The goal of Science & Technology (S&T) is to achieve S&T fleet transitions through application of technologies to include AI, data analytics, AR, cyber defense technologies, digital engineering (model based system engineering (MBPS)), learning management technologies, readiness measurement, and software factory technologies while sustaining the S&T culture, which has been developed.
NSWC Dahlgren Division Dam Neck Activity
1922 Regulus Avenue
Virginia Beach, VA 23461-2097