Base Access:
- Government issued Common Access Card (CAC) or DoD Retiree ID card.
Your driver’s license will act as your identification. Requests for short term passes must clear the verification process before a pass will be issued.
- All visitors shall provide a valid driver's license; vehicle registration or rental car agreement; proof of car insurance; and proof of state safety inspection if vehicle is registered in state of Virginia.
- From I-95, take I-64 East, then:
- I-264 East
- First Colonial Boulevard, South
- Becomes Oceana Boulevard
- Bear right on General Booth Boulevard, South
- Left at first light on Dam Neck Road, East
- Display identification and pass to the guard
- Bear right on Regulus Avenue
- NSWCDD DNA is in Hopper Hall on the left
Navy Lodge Dam Neck: Call (757) 437-8100 or visit
Hampton Roads Combined Bachelor Housing (CBQ): Call 1-877-ZUMWALT - local (757) 445-7800 for information and reservations. CBQ berthing is available at the Dam Neck Annex and NAS Oceana.
Submission of Visit Request: Security clearances/visit requests must be received in sufficient time (3-5 working days) prior to the actual visit to facilitate clearance processing. Visit requests shall be submitted through Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) to SMO Code 632734. For units that are not part of the JPAS System use Safe Access File Exchange to send visit information to ensure secure transmission of personally identifiable information. Address non-JPAS visit request to:
Commanding Officer
NSWC Dahlgren Division Dam Neck Activity
1922 Regulus Avenue
Virginia Beach, VA 23461-2097, USA
An appropriate official of your command/activity/contractor facility will submit the visit request on organizational letterhead for contractors or government/non-DOD personnel. It will include:
1. Visitor's full name, rate/rank/grade (when applicable), date and place of birth, social security number, citizenship, and security clearance status;
2. Date and duration of the proposed visit (not to exceed 1 year);
3. Purpose of visit and degree of access required;
4. Point of Contact, name of the technical NSWC Dahlgren Division Dam Neck Activity staff personnel being visited.
Quarterdeck/Clearance Verification: (757) 492-7327. Prior to your departure, coordinate with your staff point of contact for the proper handling and return of classified material to your home office. Individuals hand carrying classified material must be authorized couriers.
Parking: Visitor parking is located directly across Regulus Avenue from Hopper Hall or adjacent to Hopper Hall.
Controlled/ Restricted Items
Please click on link to review new instruction on portable electronic devices in NSWC Dahlgren Division Dam Neck Activity:
Policy on Portable Electronic Devices
Information Technology Equipment: Non-government equipment with the capability to record, photograph, store or transmit information is not allowed in NSWC Dahlgren Division Dam Neck Activity spaces. Lock boxes are available on the Quarterdeck for standard cell phones. Government issued Blackberrys and cell phones are authorized but are prohibited in secure rooms/labs.
Cameras/Recorders (Still & Video): The possession and/or use of photographic and/or recording equipment of any kind is strictly forbidden without prior authorization from the Security Office. Prior to bringing any photographic/recording equipment onboard, the requesting organization must submit a written request to the staff point of contact stating the purpose/requirement for the photography/recording and outline the desired area (s) of interest. The staff representative will make arrangements to sanitize the appropriate area (s), if required, and act in an advisory capacity to the visitor to prevent unauthorized disclosure. If you have any of these items in your possession, or you have questions about the propriety of bringing any other item into the facility, consult with your staff point of contact to establish the proper procedures.
Policy-Custody and Control of Automated Information Systems Equipment (AISE)
In order to bring AISE (Examples: Contractor or Government owned laptop computers, magnetic or optical media for official use) into the facility, visitors are requested to:
Obtain a property pass or memo from your command/company, listing the serial numbers of the equipment,
Classification of hardware/software, and purpose/requirement
Ensure that all media is appropriately labeled, including classification
Complete AISE control form, available at Hopper Hall quarterdeck.
Note: Classified Data Analysis Computers must be equipped with removable hard drives.