Congratulations on your orders to Southeast RMC (SERMC) the finest Regional Maintenance Center in the fleet!
As Commanding Officer, I can assure you that your talents are needed and welcomed. You are joining a group of exceptional people who take great pride in their accomplishments.
You can request a sponsor or send an address to receive your sponsor package if you will be departing your detaching command whithin 30 days of receiving your orders by clicking on the 'Request a Sponsor' link below. You can contact the command by calling commercial (904) 270-5126, or DSN 270-5126, extensions are listed below:
Quarterdeck - 0
Admin - 3474
CMC - 3353
CCC - 5766
Request a Sponsor
If you are new or relocating to the Mayport/Jacksonville area, you should communicate with the Navy Housing Office Mayport, at (904) 270-5730 or DSN 270-5730, as soon as possible; they are located in Building 289 on Moale Ave (after entering the Main Gate, turn right at first light and Bldg 289 is the first bldg on the left). If you intend to report as a geographical bachelor, obtaining quarters in the BEQ/BOQ will be very difficult and is granted on a case by case basis only. Please contact our Command Master Chief for further details.
Upon your arrival, please report directly to the SERMC Quarterdeck at Building 1488, and not to PSD. I look forward to meeting you and having you join team SERMC!