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NNPTC's mission is to prepare safe and trusted Naval nuclear operators ready for follow on prototype training and, ultimately, service in the Fleet.

Home : Home : NNPTC : Welcome Aboard

     Welcome Aboard

Congratulations on your assignment to Naval Nuclear Power Training Command!

Your first step in making a smooth transition to NNPTC should be to contact your sponsor as soon as possible. Your sponsor can assist you in many ways, including arranging for transportation and temporary lodging. Be sure to give your sponsor information regarding your travel arrangements, estimated check-in date, and your contact information.

If you are unable to reach your sponsor, please contact the NNPTC Staff Admin Office at (843)794-8030 or contact the Quarterdeck at (843)794-8000.

Reporting personnel are required to check-in at the Rickover Center (Building 2400), located at 101 NNPTC Circle, Goose Creek, SC.  Working hours are from 0700 to 1630.  The uniform of the day for reporting personnel is the seasonal dress uniform. NNPTC is in alignment with Navy Region Southeast Zone 3 uniform shifts. The prescribed Monday through Thursday uniform of the day for staff is the Navy Working Uniform (NWU) Type III with the coyote brown boot. The prescribed Friday uniform of the day is the Navy Service Uniform.  On days that a NPS graduation is scheduled, the prescribed uniform of the day is the Navy Service Dress Blue Uniform (SDB) during winter months and the Navy Summer Winter Uniform or the Navy Service Dress White Uniform during summer months.

If you require any assistance to you during your move, please do not hesitate to contact us.  NNPTC looks forward to welcoming you personally to the staff and wish you a safe journey and a pleasant leave.

Personal Property and Household Goods
The WPNSTA Charleston Personnel Property Office inbound shipment phone number is (843) 794-7577/7575.

Local School Information
For those with school age children, information pertaining to the local school districts can be found here.