The United States Navy XML/SGML Repository was established as a mechanism to promote sharing of Navy DTDs, Schemas, and FOSIs and minimize Navy investment in DTD, Schema, and FOSI development. The DTDs/Schemas/FOSIs contained in the Repository's data base fall into two categories: those official DTDs/Schemas/FOSIs developed and used by the Navy, and those DTDs/Schemas/FOSIs developed by Navy contractors and used for Navy work. Any interested parties may use, distribute, or modify these DTDs/Schemas/FOSIs as they see fit subject to the following restrictions.
- Neither the United States Navy nor the Navy contractors are responsible for any losses arising from the use of these DTDs/Schemas/FOSIs or any modifications made to them.
- Both the Navy and the Navy contractors welcome comments, questions, and suggestions for changes from the users of these DTDs/Schemas/FOSIs whether modified or not. These comments, questions, and suggestions for changes should be addressed to the appropriate Point of Contact(s) for the particular DTD/Schema/FOSI. However, neither the Navy nor the Navy contractors assume any responsibility for responding to these comments, questions, and suggestions for changes from the users of these DTDs/Schemas/FOSIs.
- In the event that a DTD/Schema/FOSI is modified, it is required this be clearly indicated in the DTD/Schema/FOSI's PUBLIC identifier and that all changes be clearly identified as such.