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Home : Home : Warfare Centers : NSWC Carderock : Resources : Technical Information Systems : Navy XML/SGML Repository : DTDs & Schemas : NAVSEA OD IEP
NAVSEA OD Interactive Electronic Procedure (IEP) DTD
  • XSLT/CSS Style Sheets
    • The XSLT stylesheet supports the non-interactive version of the NAVSEA Ordnance Document (OD) 44979. It conforms with W3C XSLT Recommendation Version 1.0 and is supported by the latest Microsoft Parser (included in MSXML3.dll - MSXML 3.0 or higher is required.) The Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 and above. Both the XSLT stylesheet and the CSS are required since the XSLT stylesheet imports the CSS.       
    • Download 
  • NAVSEA OP IEP - Description

    This DTD is used for the XML version of the NAVSEA Ordnance Document (OD) 44979 developed in support of the OD Interactive Electronic Procedure (IEP) initiative.

    The DTD is invoked by the document type declaration


    NAVSEA OD IEP - Disclaimer

    Please read before using the DTD.

    This DTD has been developed by NAVSEA Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport for its Ordnance Document (OD) 44979 developed in support of the OD Interactive Electronic Procedure (IEP) initiative. NUWC Division Newport has provided this DTD to support the concept of the 
    Navy XML/SGML Repository as stated below:

    "The Navy XML/FOSI Repository was established as a mechanism to promote sharing of DoN DTDs and FOSIs and minimize DoN investment in DTD and FOSI development."

    Any interested party may use this DTD. NUWC Division Newport provides this DTD as is, with no implied or explicit guarantee. If users make changes to this DTD to fit their requirements, they must accept responsibility for their changes, and it is required this be clearly indicated in the DTD's PUBLIC identifier. NUWC Division Newport welcomes comments concerning recommended changes or improvements to this DTD, though NUWC Division Newport acknowledges no responsibility whatsoever to respond to these comments or implement changes or improvements.

    Points of Contact
    NAVSEA Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport
    Newport , RI 02841
    Voice 401-832-1697

    Technical POC
    NAVSEA Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport
    Newport , RI 02841
    Voice 401-832-2539