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SEA 00C3 Authorization for Navy Use (ANU) Program

The ANU Program provides a list of selected diving equipment, tools and accessories which have undergone design safety reviews, testing and evaluation to ensure diver safety and acceptability. All DoD personnel shall click on the respective link below to access the ANU on SUPSALV's CAC enabled website. This provides the latest ANU additions and contains the link for providing ANU feedback. The consolidated list is provided for public release and provides a synopsis of all items on the ANU List. This list is generated periodically to reflect updates made on the secure site but may not reflect the most recent changes.

The presence of commercial items on this list should not be construed as an official endorsement. (Full Disclaimer is located at the bottom or this page)

(CAC Required)

(ANU List located under 00C3 Diving drop down menu)
Non-DoD Personnel:  Public site ANU  

Procedures for evaluation of diving equipment for the Authorization for Navy Use (ANU) purposes NAVSEA 00C INSTRUCTION 10560.2E


Manufacturers shall not claim compliance with portions or segments of the requirements of the U.S. Navy's ANU Program nor shall they use the U.S. Navy's ANU Program name in any statements about their respective item(s) unless the item(s) has been reviewed by 00C3 as being compliant to the ANU instruction and catalogued on the ANU List.


The presence of this list on the United States Navy's Supervisor of Salvage and Diving website on the Internet is to facilitate the flow of immediate and timely information, world-wide, to all United States military diving activities, wherever they may be so situated.

The compilation of commercial items in this list should not be construed as an official United States Navy endorsement of any, or all, of these products. Instead, this list is merely citing those items authorized for United States military usage. It is published to ensure uniformity and enhanced workings of operations in the United States military diving commands. The United States Navy does not render any endorsement, certification, warranty, recommendation or opinion as to the manufacture or usage of these products, nor do we guarantee this list will not undergo periodic changes reflective of the operational, budgetary and procurement requirements of the United States military.

The United States Navy will not accept any liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from the use of the information contained in this list; and, that whatever use the recipient makes of the information is done so at his own risk. Moreover, the recipient will hold harmless the United States Navy, its Officers and personnel, employees and agents against any and all claims arising from any use of the information contained within this document.