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Remote Built In Test (48E Remote BIT)

Built into the AN/SPS-48E Radar is the capability to allow remote testing and operation. Once a ship grants permission for remote linkup, this capability, known as Remote Built-In-Test (BIT), enables shore-based technical experts to assist a ship’s crew with system troubleshooting. It also allows engineers and technicians at shore support activities to control the radar and to change system parameters.

The 48E Remote BIT can also capture the radar’s historical performance. This will allow engineers to execute a detailed analysis of radar performance that will help in developing future solutions. The radar’s remote BIT capability will also enable the online correction of Planned Maintenance System procedures. The net result of these improvements will be reduced manning within the work center and increased reliability for the radar.

Since this radar is expected to be in the fleet service for the next thirty years, these improvements in cost-efficiency and reliability will be a huge advantage.