In order to maintain and operate a combat or weapon system, Sailors need documentation, training manuals, spare parts, tools, and other support items. Collectively, these items and the processes that ensure their existence are called logistics, or Integrated Product Support.
Office of Logistics
The Office of Logistics is responsible to provide leadership required to meet present and future command mission logistics requirements; conduct logistics analysis to identify and assess new requirements, processes, and technologies to enhance system supportability; serve as an advocate for the command, interfacing with the Navy's logistics community, industry, and other government activities; develop, monitor, assess, and improve comprehensive and meaningful command-level logistics metrics for quality, cost, and timeliness of logistics products and services.
On-line access to digital technical manuals is no longer available from the Technical Data Management Information System (TDMIS). On-line access to digital technical manuals has transitioned to the Model Based Product Support (MBPS) system. If you are attempting to access Technical Manuals, you will need a MBPS account and will work through the National Help Desk.
You may reach the NAVAIR National Help Desk at the following: Phone: Local: (301) 342-3104, Toll Free: 1-888-292-5919. You can log a new request at:
If you need ATIS or Infrastructure support, i.e. shipboard access control, please contact NAVY311: Phone: 1-855-NAVY-311,