| Final Command Investigation into the Fire Onboard USS Miami (SSN 755) | Declassification review for FOIA request of the final command investigation into the fire that occurred onboard USS Miami (SSN 755) at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard on 23 May 2012. |
| N00024-01-D-7013-0030 | Mod to contract N00024-01-D-7013-0030 for support service to PMS500 for DD(X) and future surface combatant tasks |
| N00024-01-D-7019-0005 | Mod to contract N00024-01-D-7019-0005 for support services to PMS450, PMS 401, and PMS 425 for Virginia Class Submarine. |
| N00024-02-C-2300 | Contractor perform the Detail Design and Construction of the T-AKE Class ship(s) at specified shipyard(s). |
| N00024-03-2311-P00016 | Mod to contract N00024-03-C-2311 to excercise and partially fund Option Item 0004 - Final Systems Design, to exercise Option Item 0010 - Data and to incorporate the sections of the contract. |
| N00024-03-C-2200 | The LCAC SLEP consists of two Phases: Phase I consists of the replacement of existing craft electronics with upgraded equipment. Phase II consists of he Phase I electronics upgrade plus the replacement of the buoyancy box, utilizing equipment and above de |
| N00024-03-C-2310 | Performance of this contract by the Contractor shall be conducted and performed in accordance with detailed obligations to which the contractor commited itself in proposal LCS Flight 0 Preliminary Design, Volume I dated 13 June 2003 in response to NAVSEA. |
| N00024-03-C-2310 A-J | Performance of this contract by the Contractor shall be conducted and performed in accordance with detailed obligations to which the contractor commited itself in proposal LCS Flight 0 Preliminary Design, Volume I dated 13 June 2003 in response to NAVSEA. |
| N00024-03-C-2311 P00016 | Mod to contract N00024-03-C-2311 to exercise and partially fund Option Item 0004-Final Systems Design. |
| N00024-03-C-5136 | Contracting system engineering services for PEO IWS |
| N00024-03-C-6100-P00055 | Mod to Contract N00024-03-C-6110 are to 1) provide funding for the fourth evaluation period Earned Award Fee for U.S. efforts; and 2) update the Award Fee Determination and Reclama Procedures under Section B. |
| N00024-05-C-5117 A-J | Contract with United Defense Limited Partnership (UDLP) contains bridge scope of work required for accomplishment between the DD(X) Critical Design Review and establishment of Production Readiness Review (PRR) for the Advanced Gun System (AGS) Shipboard E |
| N00024-05-C-5346 P1 - P16 | The purpose of this mod to contract N00024-05-C-5346 is to add, delete, and/or modify various contract clauses. |
| N00024-06-C-2203 | Contractor shall prepare for and accomplish the FYXX Service Ljfe Extension Program (SLEP) availabilities of Landing Craft, Air Cushion (LCAC) at Assault Craft Unit Four (ACU 4) as delineated in specification packages. |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00001 | The purpose of this modification is to provide additional funding under CLIN 0010 for Engineering Services on contract N00024-06-2207 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00002 | The purpose of this modification is to provide additional funding under SLIN 000101 for Integrated Planning Yard Services, SLINs 0006 on contract N00024-06-2207 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00003 | The purpose of this modification is to provide additional funding under SLIN 000101 for Integrated Planning Yard Services and SLIN 000701 for Engineering Services on contract N00024-06-2207 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00004 | The purpose of this modification is to 1) restate paragraph 5.0 of the statement of work for CLIN 0001 to reflect that Type Commander (TYCOM) Support may only be funded with Operations & Maintenance (O&MN) funding and 2) provide additional funding under S |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00005 | The purpose of this modification is to provide additional funding under SLIN 000101 for Integrated Planning Yard Services, SLIN 000402 for Integrated Shipboard Electronics Support Activity Services, and SLIN 000701 for Engineering Services on contract N0 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00006 | The purpose of this modification is to provide additional funding under SLIN 000402 for
Integrated Shipboard Electronics Support Activity Services on contract N00024-06-2207 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00007 | The purpose of this modification is to provide modify CLIN 0004 for modernization efforts
and provide additional funding under SLIN 000404 on contract N00024-06-2207 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00008 | The purpose of this modification is to provide additional funding under SLINs 000101 and 000102 for Integrated Planning Yard Services on contract N00024-06-2207 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00009 | The purpose of this modification is to revise the list of members of the Performance-Based Award Fee Evaluation Board, update Section G to reflect the current Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) and Contracting Officer’s Representatives (CORs), and p |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00010 | The purpose of this modification is to revise the list of Contracting Officer’s Representatives (CORs), and provide payment of Award Fee Earned under SLIN 000101 for Integrated Planning Yard Services, SLIN 000402 for Integrated Shipboard Electronics Suppo |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00011 | The purpose of this modification is to provide additional funding of CLIN 000102 for
the USMC demo support and server installation related to efforts under Technical Instruction TI-0001-06 on contract N00024-06-C-2207 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00012 | The purpose of this modification is to correct modification P00010 by deleting the Accounting and Appropriation Data provided under Section G. The Financial Accounting Data Sheets attached to P00010 are the correct information to be used for invoicing pu |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00013 | The purpose of this modification is to (1) delete CLINs 0111, 0211, and 0311; (2) extend the Period of Performance for specific Technical Instructions; (3) allow ordering of material (related to any other contract line item) under CLIN 0011 throughout the |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00014 | The purpose of this modification is to provide funding under SLINs 010102, 010402, and 010602 on contract N00024-06-C-2207 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00017 | The purpose of this modification is to: 1) increase the ceiling on CLIN 0102, 2) decrease the ceiling on CLIN 0104, 3) create CLIN 010405, and to 4) provide additional funding to CLIN/SLINs 010102, 010402, 010602, 010205, 010605, 010705, and 010405 on con |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00018 | The purpose of this modification is to: 1) increase the ceiling on CLIN 0102, 2) decrease the ceiling on CLIN 0104, 3) create CLIN 010405, and to 4) provide additional funding to CLIN/SLINs 010102, 010402, 010602, 010205, 010605, 010705, and 010405 on con |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00019 | The purpose of this modification is to: 1) obligate Award Fee Earned under CLINs/SLINs 000101, 000402, 000601, and 000701, and to 2) provide additional funding to CLINs/SLINs 010102, 010402, 010605, 010705, 010405, and 010206 on contract N00024-06-C-2207 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00020 | The purposes of this modification are to 1) increase the ceiling on CLIN 0102, 2) decrease the ceiling on CLIN 0007, 3) create SLIN 010208, 4) provide additional funding to SLINs 010102, 10205, 010208, and 010402, and to 5) make administrative changes to |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00021 | The purposes of this modification to contract N00024-06-C-2207 are to 1) decrease the ceiling on CLIN 0006, 2) increase the ceiling on CLIN 0102, and to 3) provide additional funding to
SLINs 010205 and 010207 on contract N00024-06-C-2207 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00022 | The purposes of this modification are to 1) correct modification P00021 by revising the CPAF amount of the contract in P00021, and revising the CLIN Pricing Structures provided under Section B of P00021, and 2) reallocate man-hours from CLIN 0010 to modif |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00023 | The purpose of this modification to contract N00024-06-C-2207 are to 1) create SLIN 000103, 2) make administrative changes to Section B-1, 3) obligate Award Fee (AWF) earned under SLINs 010102, 000701, 010701, 010705, 010702, 010605, 010402, 010405, 00040 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00024 | The purpose of this modification is to provide additional funding under SLINs 010205 and 010206 on contract N00024-06-C-2207 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00025 | The purpose of this modification is to correct modification P00024 by revising the total funded amount stated in Section G, and revise the "Allotment of Funds" on contract N00024-06-C-2207 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00026 | The purpose of this modification to contract N00024-06-C-2207 is to transfer unexpended man-hours and associated costs and fees from Contract Line Item Number (CLINs) 0001, 0004, and 0007 to CLINs 0102 and 0202; extend the Period of Performance for non-se |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00027 | The purpose of this modification to contract N00024-06-C-2207 is to provide funding under SLINs 020101, 020401, 020402, and 020702; and extend the Period of Performance for non-severable technical instructions on contract N00024-06-C-2207 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00028 | The purpose of this modification is to (1) correct and extend the Estimated Period of Performance for certain Contract Subline Items (SLINs); (2) correct the Estimated Hours for SLIN 020204; (3) provide funding under SLINs 020101, 020201, 020204, 020402, |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00029 | The purpose of this modification is to (1) obligate Award Fee (AF) earned; (2) deobligate LPD 18 SCN funding under SLINs 020601 and 020701, and obligate LPD 25 SCN funding in the same amount under SLINs 020603 and 020703; (3) correct a funding error that |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00031 | The purpose of this modification is to (1) obligate Award Fee (AF) earned; (2) transfer unexpended man-hours and associated costs and fees from Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) 0104 lo CLINs 0202 and 0207; (3) provide funding under Contract Subline Items |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00032 | The purpose of this modification is the total funded amount for this document was increased on contract N00024-06-C-2207 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00033 | The purpose of this modification is to (1) transfer unexpended man-hours and associated costs and fees from Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) 0106 to CLIN 0207; and (2) transfer funding from Contract Subline Item (SLIN) 020101 to 020404, as well as provide |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00034 | The purpose of this modification is to (1) extend the Estimated Period of Performance for Contract Line Items (CLlNs) 0202, 0204, 0206 and 0207; (2) extend the Period of Performance for non-severable technical instructions; (3) exercise the options for CL |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00035 | The purpose of this modification to contract N00024-06-C-2207 is to ( 1) transfer unexpended man-hours and associated costs and fees from Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) 0204 to CLIN 0207; and (2) provide funding under SLINs 020701 on contract N00024-06- |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00036 | The purpose of this modification is to (1) provide funding under Subject Line Item Numbers (SLINs) 030201 and 030401 on contract N00024-06-C-2207 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00037 | The purpose of this modification is to (1) update Section G to revise the list of Contracting Officer’s Representatives (COR)s on contract N00024-06-C-2207 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00038 | The purpose of this modification is to (1) transfer unexpended man-hours and associated costs and fees from Contract Line Item Numbers (CLINs) 0204 and 0206 to CLIN 0302; (2) to provide funding under Sub Line Item Numbers (SLINs) 030101, 030202, 030203, 0 |
| N00024-06-C-2207-P00039 | The purpose of this modification is to (1) obligate Award Fee (AF) earned; (2) provide funding under Contract Subline Item (SLIN) 030402; (3) extend the Estimated Period of performance for Contract Line Items (CLINs) 0204 and 0207; and (4) further extend |
| N00024-06-C-2215 | Missile Range Instrumentation Ship T-AGM(R) Procurement Request N000024-06-NR-53011 Contract N00024-06-C-2215 |
| N00024-06-C-2310 A-J | Provide engineering and management in support of DDG 99 Post Shakedown Availability (PSA) Execution. |
| N00024-06-C-4415 | CPAF Accomplish the FY06 Execution Planning for USS CAPE ST GEORGE (CG 71) FY06 Dry-Docking CNO Scheduled Availability |
| N00024-06-C-5403 Mods 1 & 2 | The purpose of this modification to Contract N00024-06-C-5403 is to (1) amend the contract to include the clause "Contractor's Proposal (NAVSEA) (MAR 2001)," (2) amend the contract to include the attached DD254, and (3) amend the contract to include GFE m |
| N00024-06-C-5422 | This letter contract contains FFP requirements for LHA 6, LD 7, CVN 68, CVN 70 and CVN 74. |
| N00024-06-C-6311 A-J | Provide Mission Package Integration (MPI) Services in support of the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Mission Module Program Office (PMS 420) |
| N00024-07-C-2236 A-J | Changes are a result of contract award and incorporation of solicitation amendments into the contract award |
| N00024-07-C-2309 | NGSS - Operations Panel Assembly Line - Overall management and technical services for project execution. |
| N00024-07-C-4415 | Accomplish the FY07 execution planning for USS Gary (FFG 51) FY08 non dry-docking CNO scheduled availability |
| N00024-07-C-5222 P1-P5 | The purpose of the mod is to change the Amount of the Contract that appears on page 1 of the contract in Block 15.G |
| N00024-07-C-6311 A-J | The Joint Counter Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Device (RCIED) Electronic Warfare (CREW) Program has identified the need for rapid procurement of a new CREW system. |
| N00024-07-C-6311-P00037 | The purpose of mod P00037 is to create andfund SLIN 020AL for three (3) ATE Test Sets, CVRJ Test Stations; Update NAVSEA Invoice Clause; Update Sections B, D, F, G, and J as a result of aforementioned action on contract N00024-07-C-6311 |
| N00024-07-C-6319 | The Joint Counter Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Device (RCIED) Electronic Warfare (CREW) Program has identified the need for rapid procurement of a new CREW System. |
| N00024-08-C-6308 A-K | The contractor's tasks required to deliver Spiral 3.2 Mounted CREW systems including engineering support services, training, maintenance, and repair parts. |
| N00024-08-C-6309 A-J | The contractor’s tasks required to deliver Spiral 3.1 Dismounted
CREW systems including engineering support services, training, maintenance, and repair parts. |
| N00024-09-C-2240 | The Contractor shall perform A ___ requirements in support of the LCAC FY08 SLEP requirements to permit up to an additional of labor per FY08 SLEP Craft, under this contract. |
| N00024-10-C-4212 | Research and Development activities associated with the development of Advanced Poser Systems Management and Analysis for the Next Generation Integrated Power Systems. |
| N00024-10-C-4214 2010F070279 | Research and Development activities associated with the development of Integrated Power System Advanced Modules and IPS Ship Design Tools. |
| N00024-97-C-2202 A-J | Contract is awarded on the basis of Avondale Industries, Inc.' pricing for the MRG/CPP Propulsion Drive Train Proposal. |
| N00024-97-C-6429 | The AEGIS Combat Systems Center (ACSC) at Wallops Island, VA support contract. |
| N00024-98-C-4057A | Sperry Marine, Inc. Charlottesville, VA contract N00024-98-C-4057 page one with signatures. |
| N00024-98-C-4057B | Sperry Marine, Inc. Charlottesville, VA contract N00024-98-C-4057 page 2-12. |
| N00024-98-C-5197 Sec A-J | The contractor shall provide the material, equipment, supplies and technical engineering required to define, design, develop, integrate, test and deliver ACS Baseline upgrades and critical experiments for AEGIS Baselines Phase I, 7 Phase II, Cruiser Conv |
| N00024-98-C-5364 Mod 100 | The purpose of this mod to Raytheon Contract N00024-98-C-5364 is to deopbligate funds from SLINs 0001AN and 0008AE in the amounts of ___ and ____ respctively is support of the Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) Program. |
| N00024-98-C-5364 Mod 101 | The purpose of this mod to Raytheon Contract N00024-98-C-5364 is to revise the Schedule of Award Fee Table to mod the maximum amount of award fee available for the 11th award fee period and delete the 12th period as a result of the award of N00024-03-C-61 |
| N00024-98-C-5364 Mod 103 | The purpose of this mod to Raytheon Contract N00024-98-C-5364 is to deopbligate funds from SLINs 0001AN and 0008AE in the amounts of ___ and ____ respctively is support of the Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) Program |
| N00024-98-C-5364 Mod 96 | Provide Engineering and Technical Services in support of the SM-3 Program (FY03 BMDO FUNDS) |
| N00024-98-C-5364 Mod 98 | The purpose of this modification to Raytheon Company Contract N00024-98-C-5364 is to
incrementally fund Subline Item Number (SLIN) 0001AN in the amount of ________ in support
of the STANDARD Missile-3 (SM-3) Program. |
| N00024-98-C-5364 Mod 99 | The purpose of this modification to Raytheon Company contract N00024-98-C-5364 is to provide funds for Award Fee earned for the Tenth Evaluation Period. |
| N00024-98-C-5364 P00094 | The purpose of this modification to Raytheon Company contract N00024-98-C-5364 is to (1) delete erroneously issued Modification P00092 dated February 5th 2003 (2) create Subline Item Number (SLIN) 0008AD and incrementally fund SLINs 0001AN and 0008AD in t |
| N00024-98-C-5364 P00095 | The purpose of this modification to Raytheon Company contract N00024-98-C-5364 is to deobligate funds from Subline Item Number (SLIN) 0001AP in the amounts of _____ and create and incrementally fund SLIN 0008AE in the amount of _____ in support of the STA |
| N00024-98-C-5364 Sec B | N00024-98-C-5364 - Section B - Supplies or Services and Prices/Costs - This is a Cost Plus Award Fee (CPAF) Basic Contract with Schedule Incentives and a Base Fee for the Completion of the AEGIS LEAP Intercept/SM-3 Interceptor Program (ALI/SM-3). |
| N00024-98-C-5364 Sec C | N00024-98-C-5364 - Section C - Description/SOW - This is a Cost Plus Award Fee (CPAF) Basic Contract with Schedule Incentives and a Base Fee for the Completion of the AEGIS LEAP Intercept/SM-3 Interceptor Program (ALI/SM-3). |
| N00024-98-C-5364 Sec G | N00024-98-C-5364 - Section G - Contract Administration Data - This is a Cost Plus Award Fee (CPAF) Basic Contract with Schedule Incentives and a Base Fee for the Completion of the AEGIS LEAP Intercept/SM-3 Interceptor Program (ALI/SM-3). |
| N00024-98-C-5364 Sec H | N00024-98-C-5364 - Section H - Special Contract Requirements - This is a Cost Plus Award Fee (CPAF) Basic Contract with Schedule Incentives and a Base Fee for the Completion of the AEGIS LEAP Intercept/SM-3 Interceptor Program (ALI/SM-3). |
| N00025-07-C-6311 P00015 | The purpose of this Modification P00015 to Contract N00024-07-C-6311 is: Revise Section B Establish SLINs 0019AN and 0019AP to incorporate ECP #9 & ECP #10. Revise Section J Attachments accordingly. |
| N00178-01-D-7026 DO0005 | The purpose of this task is to provide professional support services to the Systems Engineering, and Other Standard Missile Program Office as needed. The Systems Engineering tasking includes providing technical, engineering and analytical support to the f |
| N00178-04-D-4026-EH0402 | The purposes of modification 02 under N00178-04-D-4026 task order EH04 are to establish SLIN 001AB, transfer ceiling from SLIN 1001AA to SLIN 1001AB in the amount of $325,000, transfer ceiling from SLIN 3001AA to newly established SLINs 3001AB in the amou |
| N00178-04-D-4026-EH0403 | The purposes of modification 03 under N00178-04-D-4026 task order EH04 are to correct an administrative error on Modification 01, establish SLINs 1002AC, 1002AD, 3002AB and 3002AC, transfer ceiling from SLIN 1002AA to SLIN 1002AB and newly established SLI |
| N00178-04-D-4026-EH0406 | The purpose of modification 06 to Task Order N00178-04-D-4026-EH04 is to 1)Transfer ceiling from 1001AA and fully fund 1001AB and transfer ceiling from 1002AA and fully fund 1002AB; 2) Transfer ceiling from 3001AA and fully fund 3001AB and transfer ceilin |
| N00178-04-D-4026-EH401 | The purposes of modification 01 under N00178-04-D-4026 task order EH04 are to establish SLINs 1001AC, 1003AB, 1003AC, 3001AC, 3003AB and 3003AC, transfer ceiling from SLIN 1001AA to newly established SLIN 1001AC in the amount of $328,000, transfer ceiling |
| N00178-04-D-4030-EH02 | This task order is for the procurement of professional services support for the Naval Systems Engineering Directorate (SEA 05). Services required include naval architecture, engineering, ship design project management, ship design team and site support, t |
| N00178-04-D-4100-0003 | Work to be performed under this contract will support SEA04L5 with program managment, planning, business operations/improvement and technical support services for COMNAVSEASYSCOM's Navy-wide Configuration Management program. |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000301 | The purpose of this modification to task order N00178-04-D-4100-000301 is to: (1) Establish SLIN 0001AC and transfer cost ceiling from SLIN 0001AA to SLIN 0001AC in the amount of $220,000 and to fully fund SLIN 0001AC in the amount of _____ (2) Establish |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000302 | The purpose of this modification to task order N00178-04-D-4100-000301 is to: (1) Establish SLIN 0001AD and transfer cost ceiling from SLIN 0001AA to SLIN 0001AD in the amount of $380,000 and to fully fund SLIN 0001AD in the amount of $380,000 (2) Establi |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000303 | The purposes of this modification are to (1) establish SLINs 0001AE and 0003AE; (2) transfer cost ceiling from Option SLIN 0001AA to SLIN 0001AE; (3) transfer cost ceiling from Option SLIN 000AA to SLIN 0003AE; (4) change the Task Order Manager; (5) provi |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000304 | The purpose of this Modification No. N000178-04-D-4100-000304 is to: (1) Establish SLIN 0001AF and transfer cost ceiling from SLIN 0001AA to SLIN 0001AF in the amount of _____ adn to fully fund SLIN 0001AF in the amount of ______. (2) Establish SLIN 0003A |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000305 | The purpose of this modification is to document the results of the NAVSEA CAAS Study Team Review and to incorporate corresponding text in Section C. |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000306 | The purpose of this modification to task order N00178-04-D-4100 0003 is to 1) extend the period of performance completion dates applicable to Section C tasks identified within the attached Technical Instruction. |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000307 | The purpose of this modification is to 1) establish SLINs 0001AG and 0003AG; 2) transfer cost ceiling from SLIN 0001AA to SLIN 0001AG and from SLIN 0003AA to SLIN 0003AG; and 3) provide funding for this modification in the total amount of ____. |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000308 | The purpose of this modification is to 1) establish SLINs 0001BC and 0003BC; 2) transfer cost ceiling from SLIN 0001BA to SLIN 0001BC and from SLIN 0003BA to SLIN 0003BC; and 3) change the Task Order Manager; and 4) provide funding for this modification i |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000309 | The purpose of this modification is to 1) establish SLINs 0001BC and 0003BC; 2) transfer cost ceiling from SLIN 0001BA to SLIN 0001BC and from SLIN 0003BA to SLIN 0003BC; and 3) change the Task Order Manager; and 4) provide funding for this modification i |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000310 | The purpose of this modification is to 1) establish SLINs 0001BD 2) transfer cost ceiling from SLIN 0001BA to SLIN 0001BD; and 3) provide funding for this modification in the total amount of _____. |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000311 | The purpose of this modification is to 1) establish SLINs 0001BE and 0003BE; 2) transfer cost ceiling from SLINs 0001BA and 0003BA to SLIN 0001BE and 0003BE; and 3) provide funding for this modification in the total amount of _____. |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000312 | The purpose of this modification is to 1) establish SLINs 0001BF and 0003BG; 2) transfer cost ceiling from SLINs 0001BA and 0003BA to SLIN 0001BF and 0003BF and 0003BG 3) provide funding for this modification in the total amount of _____. |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000313 | The purpose of this modification is to (1) designate Award Term One SLINs 0001CA and 0003CA as earned, (2) transfer cost ceiling from SLINs 0001BA and 0001CA to SLINs 0001CA and 0001BB; and (3) provide funding for this modification in the total amount of |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000314 | The purpose of this modification is to extend the period of performance of various SLINs. |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000315 | The purpose of this modification is to 1) establish SLIN 0001CB and SLIN 0003CB; 2) transfer cost ceiling from SLIN 0001CA to CLIN 0001CB and from CLIN 0003CA to CLIN 0003CB; and 3) provide funding for this modification in the total amoung of _____. |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000316 | The purpose of this modification is to transfer ceiling from SLIN 0001CA to CLIN 0001CB in the amount of $841,000. |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000317 | The purpose of this modification is to 1) Provide 3rd quarter funding and transfer ceiling from SLIN 0001CA to create and fund SLIN 0001CC; 2) Transfer ceiling from SLIN 0002CA to create and fund SLIN 0003CC. 3) Establish period of performance for newly c |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000318 | The purpose of this modification is to correct an administraton error under modification 17, exercise Option SLINs 0001CA and 0003CA, establish SLIN 0003CD, transfer ceiling from SLIN 0003CA to newly established SLIN 0003CD in the amount of _____ incorpor |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000320 | The purpose of this modification is to state that Award Terms 2 & 3 are earned, establish SLINs 0001DB and 0003DB, transfer ceiling from SLIN 0003DA to newly established SLIN 0003DB in the amount of ____ transfer ceiling from SLIN 0003DA to newly establis |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000321 | The purposes of modification 21 under task order 0003 of contract N00178-04-D4100 are to establish SLINs 0001DC and 0003DC, transfer ceiling from SLIN 0001DA to newly established SLIN 0001DC in the amount of _____ transfer ceiling from SLIN 0001DA to esta |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000322 | The purposes of modification is to establish SLIN 0001DD, transfer ceiling from SLIN 0001DA to newly established SLIN 0001DD in the amount of _____ fully fund SLIN 0001DD, incorporated period of performance for newly established SLIN 0001DD. |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000323 | The purposes of modification is to 1) establish SLINs 0001DE and 0003DE; 2) transfer ceiling from CLIN 0001DA to newly established SLIN 0001DE in the amount of ____ and fully fund SLIN 0001DE; 3) transfer ceiling from SLIN 0003DA to newly established SLIN |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000324 | The purposes of modification are to 1) Transfer ceiling from SLIN 0001DA to SLIN 0001DE in the amount of ____ and fully fund SLIN 0001DE; 2) Update Section J to include Attachment 24, Financial Accounting Data sheet for modification 24. |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000325 | The purpose of this modification is to update section F DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE to extend the period of performance for SLIN 0001DE via 801 authority. |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000328 | The purpose of this modification is to 1) Under Section B, Supplies and Services, incrementally fund SLIN 0001EA 2) Update Section H, Special Contracts Requirements, Allotment of Funds 3) Under Section J, List of Attachments,, add Attachments 26 |
| N00178-04-D-4100-000329 | The purpose of this modification is to 1) Under Section B, Supplies and Services, establish SLINs 0001EB and 0003EB; 2) transfer cost ceiling from SLIN 0001EA to SLIN 0001EB, and CLIN 0003EA and 0003EB, 3) Under Section B, fully fund SLINs EB and 0003EB.. |
| r_ExecutiveSummary_Released_5 pgs | Navy Shipyard Optimization Plan" submitted to Congress in February 2018. I
would call it "Executive Summary of Navy Shipyard Optimization Plan (Feb
2018) (redacted) |