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Home : Home : Warfare Centers : NSWC Carderock : Resources : Technical Information Systems : Navy XML/SGML Repository : DTDs & Schemas : NAVSEA Class 2 ETM DTD : Early Revisions : Rev A Changes
Changes from September 14, 1994 version


1.1 This NAVSEA ETM Class 2 Revision A (July 14, 1995) DTD is a result of modifications made to the initial (September 14, 1994) NAVSEA ETM Class 2 DTD in accordance with changes proposed in the NAVSEA 04TD endorsed 24 March 1995 comments from Litton Data Systems.

1.2 The changes from the initial (September 14, 1994) NAVSEA ETM Class 2 DTD are detailed below.


2.1 The "idinfo" element and its subelements as well as other desired elements were introduced into the front matter ("front" element) as follows:

<!ELEMENT front - - ((idinfo | warnsum | chgsheet | lep | promul | chgrec | foreword | preface | intro | contents | illuslist | tablelist | safesum | howtouse )+, (fsection | graphic | graphicalts)+) +(ftnote | brk | external | xelemloc | figure | table | chart) >

<!ELEMENT idinfo - - (pubno | nsn | chgnum | revnum | titleblk | mfr | contractno | docmfr | seal | notice | downgrd | pubdate | chgdate)+ >

<!ELEMENT pubno - o (user?, docno)+ >

<!ELEMENT user - - (%text;) >

<!ELEMENT docno - - (%text;)>

<!ELEMENT (nsn | partno | serno | modelno) - - (%text;)>

<!ELEMENT (chgnum | revnum) - o (%text;)>

<!ELEMENT titleblk - - (volnum?, docpartn?, revnum?, doctype, maintlvl*, prtitle, stitle?) >

<!ELEMENT (volnum | docpartn | doctype | maintlvl) - o (%text;) >

<!ELEMENT prtitle - - (nomen, eqpttype?, (pslist | partno | serno | modelno | nsn)*, subject?) >

<!ELEMENT (nomen | eqpttype | subject) - - (%text;) >

<!ELEMENT stitle - o (%text;) >

<!ELEMENT (mfr | contractno | docmfr) - o (%text;) >

<!ELEMENT seal - o (graphic) >

<!ELEMENT notice - o (para+) +(table) >

<!ELEMENT downgrd - o (authrty | phrase | oadr | date)+ >

<!ELEMENT (authrty | phrase | oadr | date) - o (%text;) >

<!ELEMENT (pubdate | chgdate) - o (%text;) >

2.2 The specified "warnsum" through "howtouse" elements were introduced into the front matter ("front" element) as follows:

<!ELEMENT warnsum - o (para0 | para | warning)+ >

<!ATTLIST warnsum inschlvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
          delchlvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
          tocentry %yesorno "0">

<!ELEMENT chgsheet - o (chgnum, address, date, prtitle, para?, chglist) >

<!ELEMENT address - o (%text;)>

<!ELEMENT chglist - o (removepg, insertpg)+ >

<!ELEMENT (removepg | insertpg) - o (#PCDATA) >

<!ELEMENT lep - o EMPTY >

<!ELEMENT promul - - (title?, para*, (sigblk | graphic)*) >

          chglvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
          delchlvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
          inschlvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
          label CDATA #IMPLIED
          security (u | c | s | ts ) #IMPLIED >

<!ELEMENT sigblk - o (purpose | graphic | signer | position | organiz | address | date)+ >

<!ATTLIST sigblk sigtype (preparer | approval | review | concur | other) #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT (purpose | signer | position| organiz) - o (%text;) >

<!ELEMENT chgrec - o (table | graphic) >

          chglvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
          delchlvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
          inschlvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
          label CDATA #IMPLIED
          security (u | c | s | ts ) #IMPLIED >

<!ELEMENT contents - o EMPTY >

<!ELEMENT (illuslist| tablelist) - o EMPTY >

<!ATTLIST (illuslist | tablelist ) tocentry %yesorno; "1">

<!ELEMENT safesum - o (para | precaut | warning | caution)+ >

<!ATTLIST safesum tocentry %yesorno; "0"
          id ID #IMPLIED
          chglvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
          delchlvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
          inschlvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
          label CDATA #IMPLIED
          security (u | c | s | ts ) #IMPLIED >

<!ELEMENT precaut - o (%text;) >

<!ELEMENT howtouse - o ( (title, para0*) | para0 | para+) >

<!ATTLIST howtouse tocentry %yesorno; "0"
          id ID #IMPLIED
          chglvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
          delchlvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
          inschlvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
          label CDATA #IMPLIED
          security (u | c | s | ts ) #IMPLIED >

2.3 The "index" element was introduced into the rear matter ("rear" element) as follows:

<!ELEMENT rear - - (appendix | glossary | index | rsection)*>

<!ELEMENT index - o EMPTY >

2.4 The "tocentry" attribute was introduced as follows:

2.4.1 It was defined as

          tocentry %yesorno; "1"

for the "volume", "foreword", "preface", "intro", "illuslist", "tablelist", "chapter", "section", "appendix", "glossary", "para0", "figure","table", and "chart" elements.

2.4.2 It was defined as

          tocentry %yesorno; "0"

for the "howtouse", "warnsum", "safesum", and "subpara1" through "subpara7" elements.

2.5 The elements required for tagging parts lists were added as follows:

<!ELEMENT pslist - - (partno, serno)+ >

<!ENTITY % text "(#PCDATA | ftnref | xref | xlink | indxflag | verbatim | change | emphasis | graphic | graphicalts | subscrpt | supscrpt | symbol | tool | testeq | material | torqueval | partno | serno | partdesc | smrcode | nsn | modelno | sssn | refdes | docno | figindex | lin | faultcode)+" >

<!ELEMENT (nsn | partno | serno | modelno) - - (%text;)>

<!ELEMENT (tool | testeq | material | torqueval | faultcode) - - (%text;) >

<!ATTLIST (tool | testeq | material | torqueval | faultcode)
          texttype NUMBER #IMPLIED
          applictype IDREFS #IMPLIED
          applicrefid IDREFS #IMPLIED
          skilltrk NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
          contyp (desc | proc) #IMPLIED
          assocfig IDREFS #IMPLIED
          assoctab IDREFS #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT (partdesc | smrcode | sssn | refdes | lin) - - (%text;) >

2.6 Other elements were introduced as follows:

<!ELEMENT figindex - o (xref, callout) >

<!ELEMENT callout - - (%text;) >

<!ATTLIST callout assocfig IDREF #IMPLIED >

2.7 Miscellaneous attributes were added to the new elements as follows:

<!ATTLIST warnsum inschlvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
          delchlvl NUMBER #IMPLIED
          tocentry %yesorno "0">

<!ATTLIST sigblk sigtype (preparer | approval | review | concur | other) #IMPLIED>

<!ATTLIST (tool | testeq | material | torqueval | faultcode)
          texttype NUMBER #IMPLIED
          applictype IDREFS #IMPLIED
          applicrefid IDREFS #IMPLIED
          skilltrk NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
          contyp (desc | proc) #IMPLIED
          assocfig IDREFS #IMPLIED
          assoctab IDREFS #IMPLIED>