Code 100B Human Resources
What We Do
SERMC's Human Resources Staff Support Office (HRSSO) is located on the second floor of Bldg. 1488, Room 243, across from the water cooler! HRSSO provides HR support, advice, guidance and assistance to all SERMC managers, supervisors and employees on civilian manpower, merit promotion (filling vacancies), classification, benefits (health insurance, life insurance, TSP, etc.) performance management, etc. HRSSO acts as SERMC's Liaison with the Fleet Human Resource Office (FLTHRO) Stennis Satellite Office, Stennis Space Center, MS, i.e., SERMC's assigned HR service center. FLTHRO Stennis interfaces with the Office of Civilian Human Resources (OCHR) Operations Center on behalf of SERMC, i.e., SERMC's servicing human resources operations center is in Norfolk, VA and is often referred to as HRSC East.
Code 106 Environmental Safety and Health
What We Do
C106 provides unsurpassed safety and environmental assistance to the command and the fleet. We promote a proactive ESH culture vice a reactive ESH culture. Our stakeholders are critical in the success of SERMC's ESH program.
Code 130 Quality Assurance
What We Do
The SERMC Quality Assurance Department focuses on D-Level Contract Management Oversight and I-Level Quality Assurance programs, integrated into the following programs and responsibilities:
- The responsibilities include the review of contractor Quality Management Systems by performing compliance audits and assessments and initiating Corrective Action.
- Responsible for the original review and approval for the quality and integrity of contractor processes and procedures.
- Management of SERMC's NDT program comprised of internal training and certification for all codes to perform oversight functions and contractor's procedure reviews for approval and evaluations of NDT processes.
- Quality review and verification of FMA Technical Work Documents for conformance to JFMM.
- Administration of the Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Program for inspection and acceptance of FMA work.
- Provide project team support in all aspects of quality assurance in both the Planning and Execution phases.
- Manage and support all types of contracting vehicles.
- Perform periodic internal, external audits and surveillance of both the D-Level and I-Level processes and procedures.
Code 200 Engineering
What We Do
The SERMC Engineering Department provides critical engineering services to the Maintenance Team and our ships...
- The Chief Engineer is the only authorized SERMC position to approve and/or seek adjudication of technical non-conformances.
- The department ensures all technical documentation, publications, drawings, standards, Departure from Specification, etc. are available and maintained.
§ Provides certification of work accomplished on ship's systems and components
§ Conducts certification of commercial dry-docks used to dry-dock our Navy vessels
§ Provides Fleet Technical Assistance - Onboard, Underway, and Distance Support on nearly all Combat, Navigation, Hull, Mechanical & Electrical, Propulsion, and Service Systems.
§ Manages and coordinates Integrated Class Maintenance Plan (ICMP) projects - providing coordination for:
§ Total Ship Readiness Assessment (TSRA)
§ Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Cryptologic (C5I) Assessments for SURFLANT
§ Ballistic Missile Defense Readiness Assessments (BMDRA)
§ INSURV inspections for Board of Inspection and Survey
§ Material Condition Assessments (MCA's)
Code 200CED Waterfront Execution Management
What We Do
SERMC Waterfront Execution Management Division is comprised of the Deputy Chief Engineer, Project Support Engineers (PSE), and Integrated Test Engineers (ITE). One of the main areas of focus is supporting Code 300 Maintenance Teams (MT) with technical oversight in the repair and modernization of United States Navy Warships. PSEs are the Engineering Departments’ liaison to Code 300 Maintenance Teams and coordinate availability certification of key events, work specifications, Condition Found Reports (CFR), Request for Contract Change (RCC), and Quality Maintenance Plan (QMP) review, Departure from Specification (DFS), Design Service Request (DSR), and Process Control Procedure (PCP) review. The ITEs provide Specification, Condition Found Reports (CFR), and Request for Contract Change (RCC) review to ensure all required testing to prove the quality and technical compliance is included during CNO availabilities. ITEs participate in all CNO availability meetings and validate all required systems testing is scheduled by the Naval Supervising Activity (NSA)/Lead Maintenance Activity (LMA), including test problem resolution, during the advance planning stages through the end of availability completion.
Code 200 HME Hull, Mechanical & Electrical
What We Do
Engineering Department Hull Mechanical and Electrical division provides Fleet Technical Assistance (FTA) for CASREP and routine system problems on ships in port and at sea, CONUS and OCONUS as well as conducting assessments for the TSRA, INSURV, Diesel Engine Inspections, Steam and Gas Turbine Engine Inspections, and we provide Engineering services during homeported Ship Availabilities.
Our HM&E Team also provides Subject Matter Expertise and Engineering Services for the evaluation and adjudication of Departure from Specifications (DFS), Design Service Requests (DSR), Work Item Development, and Bid Specification Reviews.
The HM&E Division is comprised of DoD Civilians, Military and embedded contractors who specialize in specific systems. Many of our Civilians are retired military, ex-Shipyard Apprentices, former ISEA and former OEM Factory Reps. Our military are screened through a formal screening process and hand-selected to ensure they can meet the demands of FTA activities. Our military represent some of the best Technicians the Navy has to offer.
Code 210 Assessments, Technical Library and METCAL
What We Do
The division is comprised of three branches that provide coordination, administration and process development of assessment, inspection and calibration programs. These programs include Combat Systems, Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Readiness Assessment (C5RA), Integrated Class Maintenance Program (ICMP), Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV), Total Ships Readiness Assessment (TSRA), 2M/MTR Certification, and Calibration of Test Measurement Diagnostics (CTMD). The Division performs liaison for all internal technical branches, external Regional Maintenance Centers and other activities for programmatic issues. The division is also responsible for operating and maintaining the central repository, Technical Library, at Southeast Regional Maintenance Center for all stakeholders including but not limited to Internal Customers, Master Ship Repair (MSR) Contractors, and Agreement for Boat Repair (ABR) contract holders. In addition, the division is responsible for the 2M/MTR Onsite/Offsite Laboratory Certification and Monitoring, Metrology/Calibration (METCAL) Program Certification.
Code 200 CS Combat Systems
What We Do
Engineering Department Combat Systems Division provides Fleet Technical Assistance (FTA) for CASREP and routine system problems on ships in port and at sea, CONUS, and OCONUS, as well as conducts assessments for the TSRA, INSURV, and MCA/MAT programs.
Combat Systems also provides Subject Matter Expertise and Engineering Services for the evaluation and adjudication of Departure from Specifications (DFS), Design Service Requests (DSR), Work Item Development, and Bid Specification Reviews.
The CS Division FTA Team is comprised of DoD civilians, Military, and embedded contractors who specialize in specific combat systems. Many of our civilians are former military, shipyard, ISEA, and OEM Factory Reps. Our military are screened through a formal screening process and hand-selected to ensure they can meet the demands of FTA activities. Our military represent some of the best Technicians the Navy has to offer.
Code 300 Waterfront Operations
What We Do
Our primary function is to ensure the success of scheduled availabilities and emergent repairs. We manage ship repair contracts by progressing and monitoring shipboard and shop work so as to anticipate, prevent, and minimize delays for on-time completion. We act as business agent for SERMC with other activities for all assigned ships maintenance actions. We are responsible for advanced planning and execution of maintenance and modernization actions. We prepare Work Specs with time and cost estimates for CNO, CMAV and Emergent Work for contracts. The WFO department monitors contractor repairs, quality, schedule, safety and cost on ship and in the shops. WFO personnel train Engineering Duty Officers in all aspects of ship maintenance and Drydocking qualifications. Our RMMCO office functions as the gate keeper for visiting ALT and AIT Team coordination installs on Mayport ships. We conduct F2F meetings prior to, during and post avails for SERMC, S/F and Contractors.
Code 400 Contracts
What We Do
The Code 400 Contracts department is responsible for contracting to support maintenance, repair, modernization and decommissioning on homeported and visiting ships and vessels.
Code 600 Finance
What We Do
Finance Department has overall financial management responsibility for the command. This includes managing budgetary controls, obligations, accounting and liquidation of all funds received for mission and ship repair, as well as any direct cite and reimbursable funding received from other activities. We manage all activities related to civilian timekeeping and payroll, travel(both PCS and TDY) utilizing the Defense Travel System(DTS), and the Government Commercial Purchase Card(GCPC).
Code 800 Maintenance Execution Team
SERMC’s Code 800, or Maintenance Execution Team (MET), is comprised of skilled Sailors who provide critical preventative maintenance to LCS class ships homeported in Mayport and deployed overseas. These Sailors work alongside LCS crews to complete the portion of the ships’ maintenance that was originally intended to be contracted out in support of LCS minimal manning initiatives.
The MET utilizes Preventive Maintenance Availabilities (PMAVs) to complete all of the required routine and non-major LCS maintenance throughout the year. Due to the frequency of PMAVs, Freedom-variant LCS operating in the 4th, 5th and 6th Fleet areas of operation can’t easily return to Mayport for maintenance, so SERMC sends “fly-away teams” to conduct PMAVs outside of the contiguous United States.
Code 900 Production
What We Do
The primary functions of the Code 900 Production Department are to train sailors and accomplish I-Level ship maintenance and repair. Our Ship Superintendents interface with the Waterfront Operations Maintenance Teams and Port Engineers for I-Level ship repair. We provide Material Assist Teams to assist and train Ship's Force personnel in conducting maintenance on specific systems. We provide in-shop training for Ship's Force personnel to learn overhaul and refurbishment techniques.
Code 1140 Training
What We Do
The SERMC Training Division serves as the Command Training Coordinator with responsibility for monitoring training throughout the command, assists in resolving training deficiencies and reporting overall training status. Also provides assistance for the management of military and civilian qualification programs such as DAWIA and NAMTS.
Code 1150 Facilities Branch
What We Do
The SERMC Facilities Office manages all facility matters for the Southeast Regional Maintenance Center; water, air, heat, lighting...if it's broke, we arrange to have it fixed..
Code 1160 Business Operations
What We Do
Business Operations supports the Strategic Business Initiatives through Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) methodologies
using process/performance metrics and managing Front Door requests.
Code 1170 IT Systems
What We Do
Code 1170 provides SERMC with world-class Information Technology (IT) services and robust Cybersecurity. Our vision is to create the best IT and Cybersecurity program in the Navy - Bar None. To that end, this division is responsible for managing the command's Information Technology systems and conducting oversight of the command's Navy/ Marine Corps Intranet(NMCI) Program. Our personnel manage, control and supervise all functions associated with and pertaining to Message Center Operations. We implement and manage the command's Cybersecurity program that established the guidelines, policies and procedures that govern our classified and un-classified networks in accordance with higher level instructions.
Code 1180 ERP Business Office
What We Do
The SERMC ERP Business Office is the foremost authority in Maintenance Data System Management. We ensure that SERMC maintains currency in maintenance business processes and procedures, proactively communicate and share knowledge, provide MDS training, customer support, change management, conduct MDS implementation, monitoring, and problem resolution.