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Home : Home : Warfare Centers : NSWC Carderock : Resources : Technical Information Systems : Navy XML/SGML Repository : DTDs & Schemas : ISO 10303 Ship Product Model Data Schema Suite
ISO 10303 Ship Product Model Data Schema Suite
  • Description 
  • ISO 10303 Ship Product Model Data Schema Suite - This Schema Suite consists of eight Schema packages.
  • Supporting Documentation can be found at the NSRP Integrated Shipbuilding Environment Tools website
  • ISO 10303 Ship Product Model Data Schema Suite - Background

    NAVSEA and DON CIO have agreed that NAVSEA should have approval for submissions on ship and ship system product model data.

    The Navy is requiring use of XML and this is documented in the standard by ISO/TS 10303:Product data representation and exchange - Part 28: Implementation methods: XML representations of EXPRESS schemas and data, using XML schemas.

    ISO 10303 is an International Standard for the computer-interpretable representation of product information and for the exchange of product data. The objective is to provide a neutral mechanism capable of describing products throughout their life cycle. This mechanism is suitable for neutral file exchange, for implementing and sharing product databases, and for long term archiving.

    Part 28 of ISO 10303 specifies means by which schemas specified using the EXPRESS language (ISO 10303-11) and data governed by EXPRESS schemas can be represented as an XML document (Extensible Markup Language W3C Recommendation). For the representation of EXPRESS schemas, this part of ISO 10303 specifies an XML markup declaration set based on the syntax of the EXPRESS language. EXPRESS text representation of schemas is also supported.

    The XML schema derived from the EXPRESS schema is said to be the derived XML schema corresponding to the given EXPRESS schema. It may include an optional configuration file.

    The XML schema derived from the EXPRESS schema is said to be the default XML schema corresponding to the given EXPRESS schema if any of the following is true:

    • No configuration file is given
    • The given configuration file contains no directives
    • All directives in the given configuration file specify only the default values

    When any of the above apply, the XML schema derived from the EXPRESS schema shall be the default XML schema binding, specified in Clause 7.

    The XML schema derived from the EXPRESS schema is said to be the configured XML schema in all other cases. If the optional configuration file is included and it contains at least one directive that does not specify the default value for the given EXPRESS schema then the configured XML binding, specified in Clause 8.

    The US commercial shipyards and the Navy have participated in the Part 28 development effort and US ship exchange implementations are using the optional configuration file to change the defaults for deriving the XML schema.

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