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Virtual Industry Day

The Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) hosts Virtual Industry Days via Microsoft Teams. Please check this section of our website periodically for more information about our upcoming Virtual Industry Days. 


Details to join the meeting will be sent to attendees prior to the event date. This event is to provide an opportunity for industry to better understand the requirements of the NSWCPD and to assist industry in their efforts to do business with the Navy.


All briefings of the Industry Day Event will be posted to the NWSCPD command site after the event: https://www.navsea.navy.mil/Home/Warfare-Centers/NSWC-Philadelphia/Partnerships/Small-Business-Office/.


Industry Day Slides (Jan. 2024)


Industry Day Slides (Nov. 2022)

Industry Day Q & A (Nov. 2022)

Industry Day Slides (Oct. 2021)

LBES Industry Day - 18 Aug 2021