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Home : Home : TRFB : Who We Are : Repair Department


Mission:  To support our nation’s strategic deterrent by repairing, incrementally overhauling, and modernizing Pacific Fleet SSBNs during refits.

Vision:  We are a highly capable, aligned, and responsive team providing predictable, on time delivery of expertly maintained SSBNs ready for deployment.

Overview:  The Repair Department consists of a combined workforce of 865 civilians and 305 military positions.  The Department includes staff positions that support all members of the Department and five divisions broken out by trade skills in the following areas: C310 Hull Division, C320 Mechanical Divisions, C330 Electrical Division, C340 Waterfront Services Division and C350 Work Control Division. C300 Staff positions include the Repair Officer, Repair Superintendent, Production Management Assistant (PMA), Deputy PMA, Ship Superintendents, Extended Refit Period (ERP) Team, Administrative Programs, Quality Programs, and a Military Department LCPO.


what we do

Repair Officer

  • Plan and execute of all work on tended units and in compliance with COMFLTFORCOMINST 4790.3, Joint Fleet Maintenance Manual (JFMM) including all integration of contractor, Alteration Installation Team (AIT), and other outside availability work.
  • Organize and train of all personnel in the Repair Department to ensure effective readiness to carry out the assigned mission.
  • Distribute authorized work among various repair divisions and establishment of policy for work accomplishment. The RO will concur on requests for additional resources from both internal shops and outside entities to meet peak workload levels.
  • Provide technical advice and interpretation of Commander, Submarine Force U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMSUBPAC) policy for ships and activities supported.
  • Operate and maintain of the equipment and material assigned to the department, including proper cleanliness of all assigned spaces.
  • Evaluate industrial and administrative processes and improve them as required to ensure they are effective and efficient.  Implement continued Process Improvement (PI) principles in the execution of all Department assigned work.
  • Work directly with the ERP Superintendent and Code 900 to develop all man-day estimates, durations, and if necessary rebase lines of ERPs in planning and execution. 
  • Directly supervise all Code 300 Division Officers.  Perform performance evaluations, counseling, mentoring and all other personnel administrative functions for assigned subordinate Military Officers and Chief Petty Officers (CPO).   
  • Coordinate scheduling and support requirements with the Nuclear Regional Maintenance Department (NRMD) managers for all planned and emergent nuclear maintenance and repairs.
  • Directly supervise the Command Docking Officer and Dock Master support for vessel movements on Bangor Waterfront.  Maintain qualifications and docking records.


Repair Superintendent

  • Shares responsibility with the RO for the effective and efficient management of the department’s operation and mission accomplishment.  During absence of the RO, manager of all production operations and accomplishment of assigned tasks.
  • Manage department programs to monitor, control and procure Industrial Plant Equipment (IPE) and facilities to support manufacturing and production functions, including design reviews and budget allocations.
  • Implement of Process Improvement (PI) principles in the execution of all work assigned in the Repair Department.  Submit annual PI assessments to communicate accomplishment towards the objectives.
  • Evaluate department training programs to meet command mission objectives.  Review divisional Long Range Training Plans (LRTP) and submits quarterly training assessments to communicate progress towards objectives.
  • Represent the department in dealings with other department, fleet and logistic commands, loans and borrows, and contractors.  Maintain the department’s resources including: availability of material, human and physical resources necessary to carry out the production mission of the department.
  • Ensure effective labor-management relations, equal employment opportunity and affirmative action programs.  Develop and enhance a cooperative and mutually supportive military and civilian relationship within the department.
  • Ensure equality in determining qualifications, selections, assignments, training, promotions, discipline, and awards.
  • Initiate changes to improve mission readiness, efficiency, and effectiveness.
  • Execute financial planning, estimating, budgeting, material control and other department administrative functions such as: the department’s non-labor and material budget, awards budget, personnel actions, security, timekeeping, payroll, leave, directives, correspondence, and coordination of department audits.
  • Directly supervise assigned civilian division superintendents, and staff managers including administrative programs, quality programs and industrial plant equipment.  Conduct all performance evaluations, hiring actions, recognition and accountability actions, training and qualifications, and any other supervisory functions required. 
  • Ensure Department polices are implemented and carried out. Accomplish duties and responsibilities through supervision of six division superintendents, and all work centers and staff codes.  Indirectly supervises an organization of approximately 1,170 military and civilian employees. 


Production Management Assistant (PMA)

  • TRF Commanding Officers primary point of contact for all maintenance availabilities. He integrates, coordinates and prioritizes all corrective and preventive maintenance on assigned vessels during availabilities, identifying delays on key events, and determines course of actions to minimize delays.
  • Leads the production team with the coordination, integration and completion of all production work including specific Hull, Mechanical, Electrical, (HM&E) maintenance and General Support Services provided on SSBNs in refit at TRFB.  This includes some selected Strategic Weapon Support (SWS) systems and mechanical components of defensive weapons systems, (Torpedo tubes, Missile Tubes, BST Support structure, etc.) The PMA coordinates with supervisory personnel in the Weapons Repair (Code 700), Lifting & Handling (Code 200), Planning and Engineering (Code 400), Quality Assurance (Code 600), and Business Maintenance and Management (Code 900) Departments for scheduling and accomplishment of all associated work.
  • Manages workforce execution of repair, overhaul, and modification of Trident Planned Equipment Replacement (TRIPER) items for which TRFB has been designated as the overhaul activity.
  • Approves all Direct Overtime for civilian and military employees ensuring weekly plans adhere to available budget.
  • Tracks system testing and Quality Assurance (QA) reporting on all systems worked during the refit cycle, as appropriate.
  • Establishes priority for the efforts of all waterfront technical related repair activities, including liaison with Lifting and Handling (C200), Engineering and Planning (Code 400) and Quality Assurance (Code 600).
  • Maintains relationships with ships’ force, cognizant submarine squadron and Type Commanders (TYCOM) staffs, and NAVSEA representatives for all repair and alteration work.
  • Conducts routine worksite tours to assess work quality and production efficiency.
  • Chairs refit production meetings.
  • Maintains visibility on the accomplishment, tracking, and support of ship repairs conducted at remote TRFB sites.
  • Notifies the Repair Officer and Repair Superintendent of any resource shortfalls and recommended mitigations. 


Deputy PMA

  • Serve as the PMA's principal assistant for the execution of duties and responsibilities assigned to the PMA above.
  • Directly supervises assigned civilian and military Ship Superintendents, and one administrative assistant assigned to Code 303. Responsible for all performance evaluations, hiring actions, recognition and accountability actions, training and qualifications, and any other supervisory functions required.
  • Advise the PMA on the strategic priorities for each homeported unit.  Provides input to the PMA on refit scheduling adjustments to ensure workload to workforce balance at the shop level.
  • Maintain delegated authority from the RO and conduct Formal Work Package (FWP) and Controlled Work Package (CWP) review and approval.
  • Ensure effective labor-management relations, equal employment opportunity, and affirmative action programs.  Develop and enhance a cooperative and mutually supportive military and civilian relationship within the department.
  • Participate in Fleet Scheduling Conferences, represent TRFB’s interests dealing with building executable refit periods based on known maintenance and SSBN availability schedules. Coordinate with other TRFB departments, Squadron staff, and TYCOMs to provide the maintainer perspective at these conferences. 
  • Lead the daily Fleet Maintenance Activity (FMA) Production meeting, Production Status Report (PSR) reviews, and any other meetings required to support refit execution.
  • Develop and submit all Direct and Direct Support Overtime Plans and Schedules.