Checking In
Report to Bldg. 36 Quarterdeck. The Quarterdeck will direct personnel where to begin the Check- in process based on the time of your arrival. All personnel should have in their possession all military records and report to the quarterdeck in Service Dress Uniform unless otherwise directed. The SWRMC Quarterdeck telephone number is (619)-556-1500.
For sponsor assignment and information, please contact our Sponsor Coordinator at (619)-556-5338 or by email at
Directions to Quarterdeck: From 32 Street Main Gate (Navsta Way) Cross SURFACE NAVY BLVD to ROBERTSON ST. Upon entering ROBERTSON ST., take an immediate left onto KALBFUS. Building 36 is the 3rd building down on your right hand side. The Quarterdeck Entrance is located closest to the waterfront. Parking is not available at bldg. 36, and your vehicle will quickly be ticketed by base police if you park in the buildings assigned parking spaces. For directions to the base parking lot and other vehicle information, please
contact the base Pass & Decal Office.
Welcome Aboard package
The following items have been provided to assist you and your family during your transfer to SWRMC. Please download and save (or print prior to PCS!) these files to help you along your way. Here you'll find everything from a map of the Naval Base San Diego, great info about the San Diego Military infrastructure, helpful tips on relocation to this region as well as GREAT Fleet and Family Support Center resources. There's tons of info for you, so sit back, relax and read up on everything your orders to sunny San Diego have in store for you.
(Download Forms Below)
Mailing Address
Your mailing address while at Southwest Regional Maintenance Center, San Diego is:
3755 BRINSER ST. STE 1 SAN DIEGO, CA 92136-5299
Working Hours
Working hours at SWRMC are from 0700 - 1500. You are required to be present for quarters at your designated place of duty no later than 0730 and work until 1630 unless otherwise instructed by your shop supervisor. Lunch is normally from 1130-1230; however, lunch hours are flexible to meet requirements.
Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)
Per Commander Navy Region Southwest Policy, E6 and below sailors receiving BAH without dependents must re-apply upon reporting to a new command (i.e. SWRMC).
Failure to abide by this local policy will be cause for non-reimbursable loss of entitlements. It is highly encouraged to check in with SWRMC Military Manpower with required documentation on first day. This will help to ensure continuity of allowances.
BACHELOR ENLISTED AND BACHELOR OFFICER QUARTERS (BEQ/BOQ) billets are arranged through SATO: 855-732-8451, the emergency number for SATO is 800-468-2987. Berthing at Naval Station and surrounding bases is normally available.
PLEASE ENSURE RESERVATIONS FOR BERTHING STATE YOU ARE BEING ASSIGNED TO SWRMC SAN DIEGO! If reservations do not state your assignment to SWRMC San Diego, you will be required to pay for your entire stay in berthing upon arrival.
The standing policy between SWRMC San Diego Reserve Affairs and billeting offices on surrounding bases states that reserve personnel assigned to SWRMC San Diego will not be required to pay for berthing up front; however, upon completion of Annual Training, members will be required to show proof of payment for berthing. Reserve Affairs will retain the member’s orders until proof of payment is shown. In the event that payment is not made and the member decides to skip out, recoupment processes will be initiated.
Note: In the event that berthing is not available and members are assigned to hotels or the Navy Lodge in the surrounding area, the policy is considerably the same. Members must produce a copy of their hotel registration and a receipt showing the total cost for stay. Reserve Affairs will draft a letter to the hotel and have them delay payment until the end of the Annual Training. A Certificate of Non- availability (CNA) is required to obtain funding for hotels. The CNA should be reflected on the itinerary for travel or can be obtained at central billeting.